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Q&A With Dr. Peterson
Dr. David Peterson, author of Possessed by God, offered to answers your questions on the doctrine of sanctification and related issues. This week we’re posting more of his answers to your questions.
Neil writes,
What do you think are the greatest dangers in not seeing Sanctification in terms of Positional as a opposed to Progressive or Practical?
Dr. Peterson answers,
The biblical doctrine of sanctification brings the assurance of God’s acceptance and his grace in counting us as one of his holy people. This is a motivation and empowerment for holy living. It is also the impetus to seek the Spirit’s aid for growth in Christ-likeness.
If sanctification is viewed as the process of becoming more and more holy, the relational implications of being sanctified in Christ are likely to be obscured. Guilt for failure to progress may depress or even deter some from continuing in the struggle against sin. Separated from justification, reconciliation, and redemption, sanctification can be misconstrued as the do-it-yourself consequence of God’s acceptance of us in Christ.
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Possessed by God