Books At a Glance (Fred Zaspel):
What is IgniteUS?
IgniteUS is a ministry to pastors and churches focused on Leadership Development. We are all pastors that have applied in ministry what we teach. The process is Strategic, Intentional and Integrated. When a church becomes a Transformation Partner with us, we invest three (3) days on the campus of that church. We seek to know with a high degree of intimacy the pastor(s), his leaders, his people, his community, and the history of that church. We apply a number of credible Assessment tools that identify the issues that require attention. Equipped with this information we walk with them as they incorporate the ministry modifications needed to become a Healthy & Effective NT assembly. The LORD consistently brings transformation and spiritual maturity to the people. They are capable of living in obedience to the command in 1Peter 3:15 – delivering a credible apologetic for Christian Theism in all the Marketplace venues of our culture. The ultimate outcome is the establishment of other churches that are healthy disciple making assemblies.
Books At a Glance:
What prompted you to launch IgniteUS Ministries?
My first pastorate was a church plant. In five (5) years we purchased 10 acres, erected a new facility and had about 135 – 150 regular worshippers. I then went to a much larger church that had existed for 90 years when I became pastor. I was stunned by my ineffectiveness in this new ministry environment. Pastoral ministry is not the same in these two ministry settings. One of my primary realizations was that while we had endless activity, people were not being transformed.
Books At a Glance:
What were the primary issues you discovered?
I had an excellent Theological Education; Biblical Languages, Theology, Exegesis, Church History, etc. But, I did not have one minute of equipping in Leadership, Leadership Development or Organizational Change. Much of what a pastor does post-Seminary requires competence and skill in these areas. I then discovered research done by the Francis Schaeffer Leadership Institute. They surveyed over a thousand pastors multiple times. 75% of these pastors stated they were not prepared in their academic pilgrimage to provide competent effective leadership. 81% stated they had no intentional strategy for making disciples. This profile was an accurate description of my leadership skills at that time. When I began my Doctoral Studies I asked the Lord to bring correction to the deficiencies in my pastoral leadership. I also concluded and correctly so that if I had these deficiencies my fellow pastors with the same educational pilgrimage also endeavored to lead and serve effectively with these same deficiencies.
Books At a Glance:
What is the focus of IgniteUS?
The focus of IgniteUS is Leadership Development and Intentional Disciple Making. Making Disciples is the single imperative command in the Great Commission. Leadership is crucial and without competence in this area, ministry is compromised and less than effective. God produces transformation through the lives of effective leaders. They model godliness and spiritual maturity that followers are called to imitate (1Cor. 4:16-17; Heb. 13:7).
Books At a Glance:
What are the trends in the evangelical church in America?
According to research done by Life Way, 94% of existing churches are declining. Barna recently stated that only 1% of churches are consistently and effectively making disciples. Why is this true? The church has long labored with a seriously flawed Metric. They measure ministry effectiveness by numbers (how many – attendance, how much – offerings $$, and how often – frequency of participation). The proper Metric is the transformation of people into the fullness of Christ in character and conduct (2Peter 3:18). There are projections that we will close 10,000 churches in 2016 in America. The rate of closure is increasing each year.
Books At a Glance:
What do you encounter when you share this reality with pastors and ‘church leaders’?
Denial! Facts do not change people’s mind. The trends are clear and undeniable. Many pastors see the trends but are fearful of shining the light of truth on the matter. They do not have the courage or competence to challenge the status quo. Paul Tripp has a powerful chapter in Dangerous Calling pp. 125-134 on fear in pastoral leadership.
Books At a Glance:
Why is it important to address dysfunction promptly rather than waiting until it is obvious?
I will let Jim Collins answer this question. He speaks to this in his book How The Mighty Fall.
I’ve come to see institutional decline like a staged disease – harder to detect but easier to cure in the early stages, easier to detect but harder to cure in the later stages. An institution can look strong on the outside but already be sick on the inside, dangerously on the cusp of a precipitous fall. (p. 5)
Let me share an analogy from the corporate world that makes this point quite well. In 1982 Kodak employed 62,000 people just in Monroe County NY and 143,000 worldwide. In 1995 the logos of Kodak & Coke were the two most recognized logos in the entire world. Today Kodak employs 8,000 worldwide and the decline continues. What happened? They ignored reality and denied the trends. Now they pay the price. This same phenomenon is sweeping the church in America. Many, like Kodak, will continue to decline and ultimately cease to exist. They will close their doors!
Books At a Glance:
What is the process that IgniteUS provides to pastors and churches?
Transformation is a Process, not an Event. There are no quick fixes. Our Process is Five Phases and is completed over 36 months. You may go to our web site ( and view 90 minutes of HD Video that covers each phase. Go to TOOLS, then, VIDEO DOWNLOADS. We work with churches that embrace a High View of Christ and a High View of Scripture. Our process is theological and comprehensive. Paul states that if one part of the body is dysfunctional, the entire body is affected by that dysfunction. Our goal is to see the entire ministry of a local church become healthy and effective. We begin with Assessment as this process brings clarity to what needs to be modified and why. Each church is unique. One size does not fit all. The process is principle based not scripted. Our pricing is tiered so every church can well afford what we provide. They make modest monthly payments over 36 months.
Books At a Glance:
Is this process effective in transforming individual believers and the church as a body?
I will let the testimony of pastors that have completed the process answer this question.
“IgniteUS helped us outline every phase of growth with goals and objectives for each phase. This process has been revolutionary for our church.” (Pastor Greg Dowey, Fresh Church & Simple Ministries)
“Thank you for equipping us to think intentionally and strategically as we integrate all we do into our purpose – Make Disciples! IgniteUS brought clarity and healthy structure to the table for me.” (Pastor David Walker, Citadel Square Baptist)
“The Biblical emphasis, godly counsel and well defined IgniteUS Leadership Development Process have equipped me to learn, grow and apply the principles that shape the effective transformation of a local church. Our Leadership Team serves with a unified purpose. There is an air of genuine excitement among our people. Our congregation is now equipped and enthusiastic about their personal transformation and reaching our community for Christ.” (Pastor Wayne Heikkinen, People’s Church)
Books At a Glance:
How can a pastor or a local church contact you to become a Transformation Partner?
Call me at 803.413.3509, or email me at You will be glad you did. Visit us on the web at