A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance
Through personal stories and biblical examples, Miller teaches the why, what, and how of praying together. Readers will learn how praying with other Christians can transform their communities into beacons of hope and be given practical strategies―such as finding a prayer partner and prioritizing a structured prayer time―to implement these changes in their own church.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Why Pray Together?
1 A Glimpse of a Praying Community
2 Who Killed the Prayer Meeting?
3 The Missing Spirit of Jesus
4 A Short History of the Praying Church
Part 2: What is the Church?
5 Saints in Motion
6 Feeding the Saints
7 Are Saints Real?
8 Saints Unleashed
9 The Parable of the Missing CEO
Part 3: How the Spirit Reshapes a Praying Community
10 How the Spirit Works
11 The Spirit’s Path
12 Management by Prayer
13 Becoming a Praying Leader
14 Praying Big
15 The Prayer Triangle
16 Avoiding the Pitfalls of Prayer
Part 4: The Art of Praying Together
17 Beginning Low and Slow
18 Forming a Divine Community
19 Restoring Prayer to Sunday Morning
20 On a Resurrection Hunt
21 Becoming Real in Prayer
22 The Prayer Menu
Part 5: Specialized Praying in Community
23 Constant in Prayer
24 A Band of Brothers
25 Turbocharging Our Prayers
Selected Quotes
- If you look at Paul’s entire blessing, he points them to some version of all that we have in Christ eleven times. The saints’ greatest need is to know the immensity of the Father’s love for them in Christ. 66
- Nor does Paul center on prayer. He centers on Jesus and all he is for us. Prayer is the church’s lifeblood because it’s the conduit to the Spirit continually renewing in us Jesus’s resurrection life. 70
- If you look at prayer divorced from how the Spirit draws us into the story of Jesus, you miss the central structure of how God answers prayer. 108
- A spirit of expectant waiting, where you don’t yet plan—except to pray—is a critical ingredient to a praying church. 115
- We don’t discover our kingdom mission by forming a mission and vision team. What might work in the world of business does not in the kingdom work of Jesus. 151
- To summarize our journey thus far: Prayer isn’t just another ministry; it is the ministry that sparks the rule of the Spirit of Jesus in all ministries. Only as we wait in prayer does the captain direct us. 154
- Eventually, as we spend time together in concentrated prayer, a divine community emerges. Everyone becomes aware that the Spirit is active, bringing life to our work, shaping our plans, and leading us. 185
- Corporate prayer was at the heart of early church worship. In fact, the expression the prayer meeting was nonexistent in the early church, because it implies you could have a meeting without prayer. 189
- Praying often begins with a problem—the difficult marriage, the wayward child, the challenging job. In fact, every praying person I’ve met learned to pray because God gave him or her an overwhelming problem. 198