A delightful little booklet designed to gladden the heart of every Christian. Hyde expounds the nature of justification with application to Christian experience.
- The Joy of Being In Jesus
- The Joy of Loss (a wonderful irony!)
- The Joy of Gain
- The Joy of Grace
- The Joy of Faith
- Joy Amidst Accusations
Here’s one page to sample the gospel joy Hyde talks about. This from Patrick Hamilton (1504-1528)
The Law saith to the sinner, “Pay thy debt.”
The Gospel saith, “Christ hath paid it.”The Law saith, “Thou art a sinner, despair, thou shalt be damned.”
The Gospel saith, “Thy sins are forgiven thee. Be of good comfort, thou shalt be saved.”The Law saith, “Make amends for thy sin.”
The Gospel saith, “Christ hath made it for thee.”The Law saith, “The Father of Heaven is angry with thee.”
The Gospel saith, “Christ hath pacified Him with His blood.”The Law saith, “Where is thy righteousness, goodness, and satisfaction?”
The Gospel saith, “Christ is thy righteousness, goodness and satisfaction.”The Law saith, “Thou art bound and obliged unto me, to the devil, and to hell.”
The Gospel saith, “Christ hath delivered thee from them all.”
A delightful read throughout. Scripture commands the believer to reflect the joy that only the gospel can bring. Hyde’s reminder is an aid to that end. Well-suited for every Christian reader and for evangelistic use also.
Fred Zaspel
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How Can Justification Make Me Joyful?