Book Notice: INTRODUCING JESUS: THE FOURFOLD GOSPEL, by Andreas J. Köstenberger

Published on February 25, 2025 by Eugene Ho

Kregel Academic, 2025 | 248 pages

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance 


Andreas Köstenberger, a long-time friend of Books At a Glance, has for years focused much attention on the New Testament Gospels and has established himself as a reliable guide to these most important books that tell us about Jesus (see a list of his Gospels-related works below). His The Jesus of the Gospels: An Introduction has seen wide use in undergraduate and graduate classrooms, and now he has crunched that material to make it more accessible to high school students. It was a great idea, and now it is an excellent resource hitting that sweet-spot target of both substance and accessibility. As the book promo states, “A book for those who think they know Jesus and for those who know they don’t.”

  • What did each Gospel writer intend to convey about Jesus?
  • What historical backgrounds help us understand Jesus better?
  • What aspects of Jesus’s life and teaching do the Gospels emphasize?
  • What does Jesus mean to people living today?



Michael Kruger:
“While we have many books about Jesus and the Gospels, we have very few that do what Andreas Köstenberger’s does. Here, finally, is a volume that is introductory and accessible, but without sacrificing scholarly depth and up-to-date research. Such a combination will be a great benefit to college-aged students and to any Christian looking for a jargon-free overview of the Gospels.” 

Gary Habermas:
“It is sometimes claimed that today’s students know comparatively less about the Bible than past generations. Whatever the status of such comments, this new textbook by Andreas Köstenberger, Introducing Jesus, does something that very few recent publications even attempt. It was designed to fill a gap that is primarily aimed toward high school students, homeschoolers, or anyone else who desires a basic treatment of who Jesus is, including his teachings and actions that made him utterly unlike anyone else who ever lived. Here is a reliable guide to pursue along with the Gospels, either in personal or group settings. This solid work of research, wisdom, and application marks just such a readable text that is much needed today.”


Table of Contents

Introduction: Getting to Know Jesus Through the Gospels
Part 1—The Gospel According to Matthew: Jesus, the Jewish Messiah
Chapter 1: Setting the Stage
Chapter 2: Casting the Vision
Chapter 3: Heralding God’s Kingdom
Chapter 4: Crucified and Risen
Part 2—The Gospel According to Mark: Jesus, the Mighty Son of God
Chapter 5: The Messiah and Son of God
Chapter 6: Righteous Sufferer
Part 3—The Gospel According to Luke: Jesus, the Savior of the World
Chapter 7: Preparation
Chapter 8: Getting Down to Work
Chapter 9: The Long Journey
Chapter 10: Final Days and Ascension
Part 4—The Gospel According to John: Jesus, the God-Man
Chapter 11: Signs of the Messiah: Water into Wine, Cleansing the Temple
Chapter 12: Signs of the Messiah: Healing the Sick, Feeding the People
Chapter 13: The Greatest Sign and Jesus’s Farewell
Chapter 14: Suffering and Exaltation
Appendix A: Charts of the Gospels 


Gospels-Related Works by Köstenberger

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Kregel Academic, 2025 | 248 pages

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