A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance
This book introduces us to the meaning of church membership, the traits of a good church, and how we are to function as parts of the body. Written for laypeople, it includes practical discussions on church leadership, male and female roles, worship, spiritual gifts, confrontation, unity, and prayer. Revised and expanded with study questions and new conclusions.
Quote & Unquote
- We believe that it is best for every local church to have a membership system, and that every Christian should commit himself or herself to membership (38)
- A good local church exhibits a devotion to the apostles’ teaching, a God-centered focus, and a loving concern for the needs of people (55)
- Certain activities of church members are guaranteed to bring joy to the heart of any sincere believer (86)
- May God grant His church more and more men who will pursue the role of loving leader, effective teacher, and godly example (105)
- God requires us to be involved in personal, private worship as a way of life—but He also wants us to worship Him with other believers (121)
- The centrality of biblical teaching in corporate worship is apparent to anyone who peruses the New Testament (128)
- Are you doing your part in the building up of your local body, or are you squandering your spiritual giftedness and hindering the church from growing? (160)
- When we pray for our church, we should not only pray generally for the body as a whole but also remember individuals in the church by name (216)
- The greatest need is for people who will pray biblically, unceasingly, and powerfully (231)