Book Notice: RECOGNITION AFTER DEATH, by J. Aspinwall Hodge

Published on June 20, 2018 by Joshua R Monroe

Wentworth Press, 1889 | 184 pages

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance

By Fred Zaspel


It’s a question every pastor has heard: Will we recognize one another in heaven? I’ve never seen a book given to answering this question – until now. Hodge argues that the common assumption that life after death will be a continuation of life on earth is well-founded, and he uncovers evidence from every possible corner of the Bible and theological deduction. I don’t know of anyone who has thought through the question so thoroughly – with reference both to the intermediate state and the final (resurrection) state – and I was really quite impressed with much of Hodge’s work. Indeed, you may not have considered how so many of those passages that inform our doctrine of continued conscious existence after death bear on this question also.

Chapter 1:  Immortality and Recognition
Chapter 2:  Objections Examined
Chapter 3:  Teaching of Scriptures
Chapter 4:  In the Image of God
Chapter 5:  Methods of Recognition
Chapter 6:  Recognition by Speech
Chapter 7:  Recognition by Sight
Chapter 8:  Recognition by Character
Chapter 9:  Recognition Through Others
Chapter 10:  Recognition By Other Means
Chapter 11:  Resurrection
Chapter 12:  The Resurrection Body
Chapter 13:  Conclusion


John Aspinwall Hodge was the nephew of Charles Hodge and a M.Div. graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary. His other works include …

Recognition After Death
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What Is Presbyterian Law as Defined by the Church Courts?
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The Ruling Elder at Work

America and Africa: The Annual Discourse Delivered at the Seventy-First Anniversary of the American Colonization Society, In Washington DC, January 15, 1888

The System of Theology Contained in the Westminster Shorter Catechism Opened and Explained (coauthored with his cousin, A.A. Hodge).
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Recognition After Death

Wentworth Press, 1889 | 184 pages

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