A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance
By Fred Zaspel
If you are amillennial or postmillennial you may not enjoy this book, but you will want to read it. In succinct outline form Waymeyer provides a crisp presentation of a premillennial understanding of Revelation 20 along with a consideration of the most common objections to it. His approach is primarily exegetical, examining the details of the passage that bear on the millennial debate:
- the timing of Satan’s binding (whether present or future)
- the nature of the first resurrection (whether spiritual or physical)
- the duration of the thousand years (whether symbolic or literal)
- the nature of Christ’s millennial reign
- the chronology of Revelation 19-20 (whether recapitulated or sequential).
- Satan’s final battle
- The final judgment
That is, he zeroes in on specific exegetical questions in the passage that determine the debate.
Weymeyer’s treatment of each point is very brief and to the point, making for a very quick read (just eighty-plus outlined pages of text plus end-notes) and a quick understanding of the major points at issue and the attending understandings/arguments from all sides.
His particular viewpoint is dispensational, and there are a couple of places in Weymeyer’s argument that not all premillennialists will find necessary – his insistence on a literal 1,000 years, for example. But in the main, his summary argument is one that premillennialists will appreciate and others will want to consider with respect to their own conclusions.
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Revelation 20 and the Millennial Debate