A Brief Book Notice from Books at a Glance
C S Lewis readers will identify the main title of this new book. Melvin Tinker uses Lewis’ prescient fiction work as a launchpad for a fascinating look at the rapidly changing worldview of Western civilization. Too often books dealing with these issues are academically inclined and not accessible by the ordinary reader; that is not the case here. Based on a lecture delivered at GAFCON in June 2018, this book will stimulate thinking and open the eyes of Christians to the dangers of the worldview relentlessly promoted by the media.
About the Author
Melvin Tinker is Senior Minister of St. John, Newland, Hull. Other books from EP include What Do You Expect? : Ecclesiastes for Today, Salt, Light and Cities on Hills, A Lost God in a Lost World, Mass Destruction and Touchy Topics. He is married to Heather and has three grown up sons and seven grandchildren.
Carl R Trueman, Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies, Grove City College:
We live in interesting times, times of rapid change where all that is solid seems truly to be melting into air. And, rather than be appalled by this, many in the West greet it as something great and good, even as the magnificent end of history. Melvin Tinker disagrees, and is right to do so. In this brief but pungent critique of our current cultural pathologies, he exposes how stories the wrong stories have come to grip our imaginations, how cultural politics has redrawn the map of perceived reality, and how only the story of Jesus Christ and his church can truly satisfy humanity’s deepest longings, intellectual and spiritual.
David F. Wells, Distinguished Research Professor, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary:
A very brave, fine book written with keen insight. It explains how an older worldview that once shaped the West and in which many Judeo-Christian ideas were embedded has been superseded by one in which those ideas have been uprooted. The brave new world which is dawning is one in which people liberate themselves, dominate the meaning of reality, and subject God if he is still there to their own ends. In this context, the church is in a decidedly countercultural position. It is here, though, that it really finds its voice. Here it is able to speak into our fragile and corrupting world and speak of the goodness, greatness and grace of God.
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That Hideous Strength: How the West Was Lost