A Brief Book Notice from Books at a Glance
The plain truth about life after death
Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Honestly, which would you rather be, a Christian beggar or a non- Christian billionaire? How you answer shows a lot about what you really believe. Jeff Smith opens up one of Christ’s most revealing teachings about life after death, and not only shows us the right answer, but gives us reasons to embrace it (and Christ) with all our hearts.
Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley:
We are told that Jonathan Edwards prayed, “Lord, stamp eternity on my eyeballs!” He wanted a pressing sense of heaven and hell—an ‘eschatological edge’ to his thinking, feeling, willing, preaching, and living. Jeff Smith’s excellent little book will bring heaven and hell before your soul and stamp eternity on your eyeballs. With profound compassion, scriptural insight, and unflinching honesty, the author speaks directly to the reader through these pages to convince, rebuke, and exhort. In an age that too often assumes heaven and denies hell, this book provides a powerful and heartfelt corrective.
Paul David Washer, Heartcry:
We should avail ourselves of any book, sermon, or conversation that sets the realities of eternity before us and pleads with us to respond. This brief work does just that. The book is not only doctrinal, but also pastoral and evangelistic. Although the author writes much of hell, it is clearly a means to an end—he longs for his hearers to flee from the wrath to come and embrace Christ by faith. Although this book sets forth the doctrine of hell clearly and emphatically, it is primarily a book about the gospel and the sufficiency of the Scriptures! It will convict and motivate pastors to think and preach on eternity. It will encourage believers to live their lives in the light of Christ’s work and the world’s need. It will warn the unconverted about the dangers of hell and instruct them in the free offer of grace. Finally, this book will be a most beneficial read for those brought up in a Christian home who demonstrate little reality of Christ.
Pastor Rob Ventura, Grace Community Baptist Church, North Providence, RI, co-author of A Portrait of Paul and Spiritual:
Jeffery Smith is a gifted preacher and writer. In his new work, The Rich Man and Lazarus, he faithfully opens up a well-known text of Scripture and makes us to feel the realities of it in a practical and pastoral way. Here is a book to give to your unsaved friends. It is also one to read yourself. For in it, you will be edified and motivated to reach out to the lost around you. This compact volume will sit next to my all-time favorite book, An Alarm to the Unconverted, and will continually remind me to “do the work of an evangelist.” I highly recommend it.
About the Author
Jeffery Smith has been a full time pastor since 1990, including planting a church in upstate South Carolina in 1994, where he served as a pastor for over 15 years. In 2009 he accepted a call to serve as a pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Coconut Creek, Fl., where he still serves. In addition to his regular pastoral responsibilities, Jeff speaks occasionally at various conferences and serves on the governing board and faculty of Reformed Baptist Seminary. He has been involved in ministerial and theological training in the U.S., Dominican Republic, the Far East, and Colombia.
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The Rich Man and Lazarus