A Brief Book Notice from Books at a Glance
This entirely new book from John Blanchard is a guide to living the Christian life in today’s world. It’s written for new Christians, but see the commendations below for wider use!
About the Author
John Blanchard is an internationally- known author, evangelist and Christian apologist. Some eighteen million copies of his publications are in print in over sixty languages.
Tim Chester:
Clear. Concise. Comprehensive. Unwrapped is a great starting point for new Christians, but also a lovely fresher for long-standing believers. It’s packed full of foundational information and practical advice, but it will also warm your heart. A delight.
Rev. Jeremy Bailey:
Biblical, comprehensive and practical, this is a very welcome addition to the small number of books available for those who have recently become Christians. It is ideal to give to a new Christian, but also to be read by any believer who wants to be reminded of the great blessings and ongoing duties of the Christian life.
Craig Dyer:
In this delightful little book John Blanchard meets and warmly welcomes believers who have freshly arrived in ‘another world’ that is the Christian life. He then sets out to be our tour guide of this glorious environment. Although he has lived in it for decades himself, a sense of the thrill of his own eyes being opened to the wonders of what the Lord has brought His people into, is palpable. He is no hackneyed, if knowledgeable, guide, but one whose personal excitement at being a new creation shines from every page. Building on a solid foundation of wonderfully helpful Biblical instruction, he combines memorable illustration with practical application and a sprinkling of adhesive alliteration to produce a concise but comprehensive survey of life in the Spirit. I look forward to giving this to friends who have awakened to a new life in Christ, and more than that, to walking the avenues and alleyways of the Christian worldview, mapped out for us here, with them.
Dr. Harry L. Reeder, III:
I highly commend Dr. John Blanchard’s newest book, Unwrapped! as a worthy addition to his previous volumes which have benefited so many because of his faithfulness to the Word of God, his appealing style and compelling clarity. This particular volume will send you, like it did me, further down the road of obedience to our Savior as it equips us to be in the world but not “of the world.” It also informs us how to tell the world of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is no friend to sin but a glorious friend for sinners.
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Unwrapped!: Living the Christian Life in Today's World