Congratulations to Benjamin J. Montoya, Ph.D., for His Successful Ph.D. Thesis Defence!

Published on October 1, 2019 by Benjamin J. Montoya



We want to say congratulations to one of our Assistant Editors who does the lion’s share of the work behind the scenes for our summaries, website posts, editing, and audio recordings. On Friday, September 27, 2019, he successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario. His doctoral work was in the field of NT Greek. Dr. Stanley E. Porter and Dr. Christopher D. Land were his supervisors. The external examiner was Dr. Mark Proctor.

His thesis title was “A Paradigm Change: From Traditional Grammar to Modern Linguistic Theory.” He thesis statement is as follows: by employing a method for comparing and assessing linguistic frameworks, this dissertation will demonstrate that the study of New Testament Greek requires a paradigm change from the limitations of traditional grammar to the more comprehensive approach and methodological clarity of the most recent research into language consistent with modern linguistic theory.

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