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Q&A With Dr. Peterson
Dr. David Peterson, author of Possessed by God, offered to answers your questions on the doctrine of sanctification and related issues. This week we’re posting more of his answers to your questions.
Joshua writes,
I was wondering if you might talk about your work on sanctification in relation to addictions. Can a Christian also be an addict? If so, how does your understanding of sanctification help shape the addict’s struggle? What advice would you give to those seeking to help someone with an addiction?
Dr. Peterson answers,
In my experience, Christians can sometimes be trapped by addictions as others are. They may need professional counsel to help deal with this. But biblical teaching about positional sanctification should assure those who have a genuine faith in Christ that their standing with God does not depend on performance or achieving a particular behavioral goal. Rather, God’s grace in justification and sanctification is the motivation to seek his help and the power to change. It is critical to approach the struggle with sin having this gospel assurance.
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Possessed by God