A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance
Five New Testament writers provide details of the narrative of Jesus’ resurrection: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul. Harmonizing the various details each provides is enormously challenging, and Wenham gives the most careful help I’ve seen. His detailed detective work, piecing together the narrative is precise and wonderfully well-informed. Chapters two and three – identifying all the various characters involved, and their relationships – are alone worth the price of the book. He even gives us a good guess as to the identity of the unknown person on the road to Emmaus!
I first read this book about twenty-five years ago in an earlier edition. I’ve consulted it further over the years and had occasion this past Easter season to look through it yet again. It’s been around a while now, still available from Wipf & Stock, and it is a most valuable help to reading the Gospels generally and the Passion and Resurrection narratives specifically. An excellent, informative piece of work that deserves continued attention. Highly recommended.
Fred G. Zaspel
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Easter Enigma: Are the Resurrection Accounts in Conflict?