Eleventh Updated Edition of the Trinity Debate Bibliography

Published on September 19, 2016 by Todd Scacewater

The 2016 Trinity Debate: A Bibliography

Is it Okay to Teach a Complementarianism Based on Eternal Subordination?**

Compiled by Jack Jeffery

A bibliography of articles and posts in the current debate (began 3 JUN 2016)[1] concerning the eternal subordination of God the Son to God the Father in relation to the complementarian/egalitarian controversy

**The title question for this bibliography file is Liam Goligher’s from his initial post in the current debate on 3 JUN 2016.

Participants in this debate include (alphabetical order):

Lewis Ayres, Mark Baddeley, Michel R. Barnes, Matthew Barrett, Michael F. Bird, Camden Bucey, Denny Burk, D. Glenn Butner Jr., Aimee Byrd, Kyle Claunch, Christopher Cleveland, Matthew Crawford, Matt Emerson, Mark A. Garcia, Liam Goligher, Wyatt Graham, Bobby Grow, Wayne Grudem, Ian Hamilton, Steve Hays, Paul Helm, Jamin Hübner, Luke Isham, Mark Jones, Stefan Lindblad, Caleb Lindgren, Andy Lynch, Donald Macleod, Scot McKnight, Albert Mohler, Andrew Moody, Mike Ovey, Todd Pruitt, Michael Riccardi, Derek Rishmawy, Alastair Roberts, Fred Sanders, Luke Stamps, John Stevens, Owen Strachan, Darren Sumner, Mark D. Thompson, Joshua Torrey, Carl Trueman, Jeff Waddington, Bruce Ware, Steven Wedgeworth, Daniel F. Wells, Andrew Wilson, Carlton Wynne, Malcolm Yarnell, et al.[2]

Note: Although the first articles listed below from 2015 preceded the current debate they are included since they are referenced and linked in the articles and posts that follow, and understandably so. For more sources that preceded the current debate see Adam Parker, “Trinity Controversy Omnibus” (10 JUN 2016), on Bring the Books: The Beauty of Grace is That it Makes Life Not Fair at http://www.bringthebooks.org/2016/06/trinity-controversy-omnibus.html [accessed 24 JUN 2016]; and Rachael Starke, “Towards a More Complete Bibliography” (14 JUL 2016), on TheThinkingofThings at https://thethinkingsofthings.com/2016/07/14/towards-a-more-complete-bibliography/ [accessed 14 JUL 2016]. For an interesting denial of eternal generation while affirming eternal sonship see George W. Zeller, “Eternal Generation: Is This a Biblical Doctrine?” (undated post) on Middletown Bible Church  at http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/sonship/bealeeg.htm [accessed 21 JUL 2016]. Zeller provides a link to a PDF file containing “The Doctrinal Development of the Eternal Generation of Christ” from David Beale, Historical Theology In-Depth: Themes and Contexts of Doctrinal Development since the First Century, 2 vols. (Greenville, SC: B7ob Jones University Press, 2013), 2:142-170, s.v. Ch. 7; on Middletown Bible Church at http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/sonship/etbeale.pdf [accessed 21 JUL 2016]. Note: George W. Zeller also co-authored The Eternal Sonship of Christ – A Timely Defense of this Vital Biblical Doctrine with Renald E. Showers (Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers, 1993; 2007 reprint by Wipf & Stock, Eugene, OR).

 Sources (chronological order)[4]

8 MAY 2015

Fred Sanders, “Things Eternal: Sonship, Generation, Generatedness” (8 MAY 2015), on The Scriptorium Daily at http://scriptoriumdaily.com/things-eternal-sonship-generation-generatedness/ [accessed 23 JUN 2016].

22 MAY 2015

Stephen Holmes, “Reflections on a new defence of ‘complementariainism’” (22 MAY 2016), on Shored Fragments at http://steverholmes.org.uk/blog/?p=7507 [accessed 23 JUN 2016].

Rachel Miller, “Continuing Down This Path, Complementarians Lose” (22 MAY 2015), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2015/05/22/continuing-down-this-path-complementarians-lose/ [accessed 12 JUL 2016].

28 MAY 2015

Rachel Miller, “Does The Son Eternally Submit To The Authority Of The Father?” (28 MAY 2015), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2015/05/28/does-the-son-eternally-submit-to-the-authority-of-the-father/ [accessed 12 JUL 2016].

1 JUN 2015

Fred Sanders, “Generations Eternal and Current” (1 JUN 2015), on The Scriptorium Daily at http://scriptoriumdaily.com/generations-eternal-and-current/ [accessed 23 JUN 2016].

3 JUN 2016

Liam Goligher, “Is it Okay to Teach a Complementarianism Based on Eternal Subordination?”

(3 JUN 2016), posted by Aimee Byrd on Housewife Theologian at

http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/housewife-theologian/is-it-okay-to-teach-a-complementarianism-based-on-eternal-subordination [accessed 11 JUN 2016].

6 JUN 2016

Liam Goligher, “Reinventing God” (6 JUN 2016), posted by Aimee Byrd on Housewife Theologian at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/housewife-theologian/reinventing-god [accessed 11 JUN 2016].

Persis Lorenti, “The Trinity Matters” (6 JUN 2016), on Tried With Fire at http://triedbyfire.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-trinity-matters.html [accessed 18 JUL 2016].

7 JUN 2016

Carl Trueman, “Fahrenheit 381” (7 JUN 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/fahrenheit-381 [accessed 23 JUN 2016].

8 JUN 2016

Michael F. Bird, “The Coming War: Nicene Complementarians vs Homoian Complementarians” (8 JUN 2016), on Euangelion at

http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/06/the-coming-war-nicene-complementarians-vs-homoian-complementarians/ [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Matt Emerson, “The Creator/Creature Distinction and Gender Debates” (8 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/08/the-creatorcreature-distinction-and-gender-debates/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Matt Emerson, “Heresy Hunting and Eternal Relations of Origin” (8 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/08/heresy-hunting-and-eternal-relations-of-origin/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

9 JUN 2016

Wayne Grudem, “Whose Position on the Trinity is Really New?” (9 JUN 2016), on CBMW at http://cbmw.org/public-square/whose-position-on-the-trinity-is-really-new [accessed 11 JUN 2016].

Carl Truman, “A rejoinder to Wayne Grudem” (9 JUN 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40085 [accessed 11 JUN 2016].

Bruce Ware, “God the Son–at once eternally God with His Father, and eternally Son of the Father” (9 JUN 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/06/god-the-sonat-once-eternally-g.php [accessed 11 JUN 2016].

Carl Trueman, “A Surrejoinder to Bruce Ware” (9 JUN 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40084 [accessed 11 JUN 2016].

Michael F. Bird, “More on the Calvinist Complementarian Divide on the Trinity” (9 JUN 2016), on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/06/more-on-the-calvinist-complementarian-divide-on-the-trinity/ [accessed 23 JUN 2016].

Denny Burk, “A brief response to Trueman and Goligher”  (9 JUN 2016), on Denny Burk at http://www.dennyburk.com/a-brief-response-to-trueman-and-goligher/ [accessed 18 JUN 2016].[5]

Mark D. Thompson, “ERS: Is there order in the Trinity?” (9 JUN 2016), on Theological Theology at http://markdthompson.blogspot.com/2016/06/ers-is-there-order-in-trinity.html [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Jeff Waddington, “Some Thoughts on the Current Complementarian Trinitarian Civil War” (9 JUN 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/06/some-thoughts-on-the-current-c.php [accessed 23 JUN 2016].

10 JUN 2016

Scot McKnight, “The Battle Rumbles Along: The Trinity of Complementarians” (10 JUN 2016), on Jesus Creed at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2016/06/10/the-battle-rumbles-along/ [accessed 23 JUN 2016].

Carl Trueman, “A Guest Post” (10 JUN 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40089 [accessed 11 JUN 2016].

Mark Jones, “Why did the Son become incarnate? Because he submitted?” (10 JUN 2016), posted by Todd Pruitt on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/1517/why-did-the-son-become-incarnate-because-he-submitted [accessed 11 JUN 2016].

Darren Sumner, “Some Observations On The ‘Eternal Functional Subordination’ Debate” (10 JUN 2016), on Out of Bounds: Theology in the Far Country at https://theologyoutofbounds.wordpress.com/2016/06/10/some-observations-on-the-eternal-functional-subordination-debate/ [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Mike Ovey, “Should I resign?” (10 JUN 2016), on Oak Hill College at

http://oakhill2.ablette.net/blog/entry/should_i_resign/ [accessed 15 JUN 2016]; reposted as “Should I resign? On the eternal subordination of the Son – Mike Ovey” (11 JUN 2016), on Credo Magazine at http://www.credomag.com/2016/06/11/should-i-resign-on-the-eternal-subordination-of-the-son-mike-ovey/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Adam Parker, “Trinity Controversy Omnibus” (10 JUN 2016), on Bring the Books: The Beauty of Grace is That it Makes Life Not Fair at http://www.bringthebooks.org/2016/06/trinity-controversy-omnibus.html [accessed 24 JUN 2016].[6]

Rachael Starke, “A different way forward?” (10 JUN 2016), on TheThinkingofThings at https://thethinkingsofthings.com/2016/06/10/a-different-way-forward/ [accessed 12 JUL 2016].

Seumas Macdonald, “Blogstorms, digital teacups: New Calvinists and Nicene Trinitarianism” (10 JUN 2016), on The Patrologist at https://thepatrologist.com/2016/06/10/blogstorms-digital-teacups-new-calvinists-and-nicene-trinitarianism/ [accessed 14 JUL 2016].

Sam Powell, “Eternal Subordination–It’s a salvation issue!” (10 JUN 2016), on My Only Comfort at https://myonlycomfort.com/2016/06/10/eternal-subordination-its-a-salvation-issue-2/ [accessed 15 SEP 2016].

11 JUN 2016

Scot McKnight, “Rumbling On” (11 JUN 2016), on Jesus Creed at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2016/06/11/rumbling-on/ [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Mark Jones, “God’s Will And Eternal Submission, Part One” (11 JUN 2016) on New City Times at http://newcitytimes.com/news/story/gods-will-and-eternal-submission-part-one [accessed 22 JUN 2016].

Steve Hays, “Fahrenheit 381” (11 JUN 2016), on Triablogue at http://triablogue.blogspot.com/2016/06/fahrenheit-381.html [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Donald Macleod, “Subordinationism (out of the blue!)” (11 JUN 2016), on Donald Macleod at http://www.donaldmacleod.org.uk/dm/subordinationism-out-of-the-blue/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

13 JUN 2016

Glenn Butner, Jr., “Eternal Submission and the Story of the Seven Ecumenical Councils” (13 JUN 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/06/eternal-submission-and-the-sto.php [accessed 15 JUN 2016].[7]

Scot McKnight, “One More Rumbling On” (13 JUN 2016), on Jesus Creed at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2016/06/13/one-more-rumbling-on/ [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Andrew Wilson, “Eternal Submission in the Trinity? A Quick Guide to the Debate” (13 JUN 2016), on Think at http://thinktheology.co.uk/blog/article/submission_in_the_trinity_a_quick_guide_to_the_debate [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Fred Sanders, “18 Theses on the Father and the Son” (13 JUN 2016), on The Scriptorium Daily at http://scriptoriumdaily.com/18-theses-on-the-father-and-the-son/ [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Denny Burk, “Swain and Allen on the obedience of the eternal Son” (13 JUN 2016), on Denny Burk at http://www.dennyburk.com/the-obedience-of-the-eternal-son/ [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Owen Strachan, “The Glorious Godhead and Proto-Arian Bulls” (13 JUN 2016), on thoughtlife at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/thoughtlife/2016/06/the-glorious-godhead-and-proto-arian-bulls/ [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Aimee Byrd, “A Plea to CBMW” (13 JUN 2016), on Housewife Theologian at

http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/housewife-theologian/a-plea-to-cbmw [accessed 15 JUN 2016].

Michel R. Barnes, “Patristics Scholar Michel R. Barnes Weighs in on the Intra-Complementarian Debate on the Trinity” (13 JUN 2016), posted by Michael F. Bird on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/06/patristics-scholar-michel-r-barnes-weighs-in-on-the-intra-complementarian-debate-on-the-trinity/ [accessed 15 JUN 2016].

Lewis Ayres, “Patristics Scholar Lewis Ayres Weighs in on the Intra-Complementarian Debate” (13 JUN 2016), posted by Michael F. Bird on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/06/patristics-scholar-lewis-ayres-weighs-in-on-the-intra-complementarian-debate/ [accessed 15 JUN 2016].

Luke Stamps, “The Trinity Debate and the History of Interpretation” (13 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/13/the-trinity-debate-and-the-history-of-interpretation/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Matt Emerson, “The Trinity and Theological Method” (13 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/13/the-trinity-and-theological-method/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Todd Pruitt, “Barnes and Ayres Weigh In” (13 JUN 2016) on 1517 at

http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/1517/barnes-and-ayers-weigh-in [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Mark Jones, “Eternal Subordination of Wills? Nein! Part Two” (13 JUN 2016), on New City Times at http://newcitytimes.com/news/story/eternal-subordination-of-wills-nein [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Derek Rishmawy, “On Trinitarian Controversy: Why It’s Not Always Terrible And How To Go About It” (13 JUN 2016), on Reformedish at https://derekzrishmawy.com/2016/06/13/on-trinitarian-controversy-why-its-not-always-terrible-and-how-to-go-about-it/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Michael F. Bird, “Even More on the Complementarian Calvinism Debate on the Trinity” (12 JUN 2016), on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/6/even-more-on-the-complementarian-calvinism-debate-on-the-trinity/ [accessed 12 JUL 2016].

Hannah Anderson and Wendy Alsup, “The Eternal Subordination of the Son (and Women)” (13 JUN 2016), on Practical Theology for Women at http://www.theologyforwomen.org/2016/06/the-eternal-subordination-of-son-and.html [accessed 12 JUL 2016].

14 JUN 2016

Liam Goligher, “Dr. Liam Goligher Responds to Dr. Mike Ovey” (14 JUN 2016), posted by Aimee Byrd on Housewife Theologian at

http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/housewife-theologian/dr-liam-goligher-responds-to-dr-mike-ovey [accessed 15 JUN 2016].

Carl Trueman, “Motivated by Feminism? A Response to a Recent Criticism” (14 JUN 2016), on  Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/motivated-by-feminism-a-response-to-a-recent-criticism [accessed 15 JUN 2016].

Scot McKnight, “The Rumbling Reveals Some Stumbling” (14 JUN 2016), on Jesus Creed at

http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2016/06/14/the-rumbling-reveals-some-stumbling/ [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Mark Jones, “Biblicism, Socinianism, and “Arid” Scholasticism” (14 JUN 2016), on New City Times at http://newcitytimes.com/news/story/biblicism-socinianism-and-arid-scholasticism [accessed 22 JUN 2016].

Denny Burk, “Fred Sanders on the obedience of the Son” (14 JUN 2016), on Denny Burk at http://www.dennyburk.com/fred-sanders-on-the-obedience-of-the-sons-will-to-the-fathers/ [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Mike Ovey, “Can Michael Bird Read My Mind? Alas, It Seems Not” (14 JUN 2016), on Credo Magazine at http://www.credomag.com/2016/06/14/can-michael-bird-read-my-mind-alas-it-seems-not-mike-ovey/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Paul Helm, “Warfield on the Trinity” (14 JUN 2016), on Helm’s Deep at http://paulhelmsdeep.blogspot.com/2016/06/warfield-on-trinity.html [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Seumas Macdonald, “Some humble thoughts from me on the Complementarian-Trinitarian debate” (14 JUN 2016), on The Patrologist at https://thepatrologist.com/2016/06/14/some-humble-thoughts-from-me-on-the-complementarian-trinitarian-debate/ [accessed 14 JUL 2016].

Douglas Wilson, “Being Careful on the Trinity” (14 JUN 2016), on Blog & Mablog at https://dougwils.com/s16-theology/being-careful-on-the-trinity.html [accessed 19 SEP 2016].

15 JUN 2016

Scot McKnight, “Subordinationism Stopped” (15 JUN 2016), on Jesus Creed at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2016/06/15/subordination-stopped/ [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Michael F. Bird, “The Intra-Complementarian Trinity Battle Continues” (15 JUN 2016), on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/06/the-intra-complementarian-battle-continues/ [accessed 22 JUN 2016].

Michael F. Bird, “Fred Sanders’s 18 Theses on the Father and the Son” (15 JUN 2016), on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/06/fred-sanderss-18-theses-on-the-father-and-the-son/ [accessed 22 JUN 2016].

Matt Emerson, “Some Serious Questions About The Trinity” (15 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/15/some-serious-questions-about-the-trinity/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Luke Stamps, “Further Reflections on the Unity of the Divine Will” (15 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/15/further-reflections-on-the-unity-of-the-divine-will/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Joshua Torrey, “Robert Reymond on the Eternal Generation of the Son” (15 JUN 2016), on Torrey Gazette at http://torreygazette.com/blog/2016/6/15/robert-reymond-on-the-eternal-generation-of-the-son [accessed 8 JUL 2016].

Camden Bucey, “Eternal Relations in the Trinity: A Brief Summary of the Current Controversy” (15 JUN 2016), on Reformed Forum at http://reformedforum.org/eternal-relations-trinity-brief-summary-current-controversy/ [accessed 8 JUL 2016].

Alastair Roberts, “The Eternal Subordination of the Son Controversy: The Debate so Far” (15 JUN 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/06/the-eternal-subordination-of-t.php [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Andrew Moody, “The Ordered Godhead: (1) Commending Nicea” (15 JUN 2016), on The Gospel Coalition Australia at https://australia.thegospelcoalition.org/article/the-ordered-godhead-1 [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Mark Jones, “Propositions & Questions (For Fred Sanders) On The Trinity” (15 JUN 2016),

on The Calvinist International at https://calvinistinternational.com/2016/06/15/propositions-questions-fred-sanders-trinity/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

16 JUN 2016

John Stevens, “Are We All Heretics Now? Reflections On The Furore [sic] About Eternal Subordination Within The Trinity” (16 JUN 2016), on John Stevens at http://www.john-stevens.com/2016/06/are-we-all-heretics-now-reflections-on.html [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Caleb Lindgren, “Gender and the Trinity: From Proxy War to Civil War, An explainer: the latest complementarian debate isn’t over women’s subordination—but Christ’s.”  (16 JUN 2016), on Christianity Today at http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2016/june-web-only/gender-trinity-proxy-war-civil-war-eternal-subordination.html [accessed 18 JUN 2016].

Todd Pruitt, “Why I Am Not Mortified” (16 JUN 2016), on on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40131 [accessed 17 JUN 2016].

Carlton Wynne, “Guest post” (16 JUN 2016), posted by Carl Trueman on Postcards From Palookaville  at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/a-guest-post-by-carlton-wynne [accessed 17 JUN 2016].

Michael Riccardi, “The Recent Trinitarian Debate” (16 JUN 2016), on Preachers & Preaching at http://www.tms.edu/preachersandpreaching/recent-trinitarian-debate/ [accessed 20 JUN 2016].

Michael F. Bird, “The 2016 Evangelicals and Gender Study Group Session on the Trinity” (16 JUN 2016), on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/06/the-2016-evangelicals-and-gender-study-group-session-on-the-trinity/ [accessed 22 JUN 2016].

Michael F. Bird, “The Trinity Subordination Debate Gets Noticed by Christianity Today” (16 JUN 2016), on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/06/the-trinity-subordination-debate-gets-noticed-by-christianity-today/ [accessed 22 JUN 2016].

Matthew Barrett, “Better late than never: The Covenant of Redemption and the Trinity Debates” (16 JUN 2016), on Credo Magazine at http://www.credomag.com/2016/06/16/better-late-than-never-the-covenant-of-redemption-and-the-trinity-debates-matthew-barrett/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Darren Sumner, “What Is the Immanent Trinity? A Clarification for the Eternal Subordination Debate” (16 JUN 2016), on Out of Bounds at https://theologyoutofbounds.wordpress.com/2016/06/16/what-is-the-immanent-trinity-a-clarification-for-the-eternal-subordination-debate/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

John Stevens, “Are We All Heretics Now? Reflections On The Furore About Eternal Subordination Within The Trinity” (16 JUN 2016), on Dissenting Opinion at http://www.john-stevens.com/2016/06/are-we-all-heretics-now-reflections-on.html [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

17 JUN 2016

Mark Jones, “Subordination in the Pactum? (And the irony of ESS)” (17 JUN 2016), on New City Times at http://newcitytimes.com/news/story/subordination-in-the-pactum-and-the-irony-of-ess [accessed 22 JUN 2016].

Michael F. Bird, “Why the Intra-Complementarian Debate on the Trinity Matters: Theological Cultures and Tragic Lessons from Anglicanism” (17 JUN 2016), on Euangelion at


[accessed 22 JUN 2016].

Matt Emerson, “A Biblical Case for Eternal Generation” (17 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/17/a-biblical-case-for-eternal-generation/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Michael Riccardi, “Making Sense of the Trinity (EFS) Debate” (17 JUN 2016), on the Cripplegate at http://thecripplegate.com/making-sense-of-the-trinity-efs-debate/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Alistair Roberts, “The Eternal Subordination of the Son Controversy: Survey of Some Relevant Material” (17 JUN 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/06/the-eternal-subordination-of-t-1.php [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

19 JUN 2016

Barbara Roberts, “It’s vital to talk about motivation in the debate about ‘Eternal Relations of Authority and Submission’ (ERAS Part 1)” (19 JUN 2016), on A Cry For Justice at https://cryingoutforjustice.com/2016/06/19/its-vital-to-talk-about-motivation-in-the-debate-about-eternal-relations-of-authority-and-submission-eras-part-1/ [accessed 15 SEP 2016].

20 JUN 2016

Wayne Grudem,  “Another Thirteen Evangelical Theologians Who Affirm the Eternal Submission of the Son to the Father” (20 JUN 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/06/another-thirteen-evangelical-t.php [accessed 20 JUN 2016].

Owen Strachan, “Wayne Grudem Critiques Liam Goligher’s Historical Theology” (20 JUN 2016), on thoughtlife at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/thoughtlife/2016/06/wayne-grudem-critiques-liam-golighers-historical-theology/ [accessed 20 JUN 2016].

Liam Goligher, “A Letter to Professors Grudem and Ware” (20 JUN 2016), posted by Aimee Byrd on Housewife Theologian at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/housewife-theologian/a-letter-to-professors-grudem-and-ware [accessed 20 JUN 2016].

Mark Jones, “Wayne Grudem’s Historical Theology Analyzed” (20 JUN 2016), on New City Times at http://newcitytimes.com/news/story/wayne-grudems-historical-theology [accessed 22 JUN 2016].

Matt Emerson, “We Talkin’ ‘Bout Taxis: Nyssa on Order in the Trinity” (20 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/20/we-talkin-bout-taxis-nyssa-on-order-in-the-trinity/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Mark Thompson, “Is there order in the Trinity? The immanent, the economic, and asymmetrical order of relation” (20 JUN 2016), on Credo Magazine at http://www.credomag.com/2016/06/20/is-there-order-in-the-trinity-the-immanent-the-economic-and-asymmetrical-order-of-relation-mark-thompson/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Matthew Barrett, “Better late than never: The Covenant of Redemption and the Trinity Debates” (20 JUN 2016), on Credo Magazine at http://www.credomag.com/2016/06/20/is-there-order-in-the-trinity-the-immanent-the-economic-and-asymmetrical-order-of-relation-mark-thompson/  [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Matthew Barrett, “Meet my good friend John Owen: one will, distinct acts, and the covenant of redemption” (21 JUN 2016), on Credo Magazine at http://www.credomag.com/2016/06/21/meet-my-good-friend-john-owen-one-will-distinct-acts-and-the-covenant-of-redemption-matthew-barrett/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Andrew Moody, “The Ordered Godhead: (2) The Beauty of Ordered Willing” (15 JUN 2016), on The Gospel Coalition Australia at https://australia.thegospelcoalition.org/article/the-ordered-godhead-2 [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Wyatt Graham, “The Complementarian Trinity Debate: A Chronological Summary (Pt I)” (20 JUN 2016), on DeTrinitate at http://wyattgraham.com/?p=25 [accessed 11 JUL 2016]; reposted as “The Complementarian Trinity Debate: A Summary Of Its Beginning” (22 JUN 2016), on the Cripplegate at http://thecripplegate.com/the-complementarian-trinity-debate-a-summary-of-its-beginning/ [accessed 23 JUN 2016].

Fred Sanders, “A Plain Account of Trinity and Gender” (17 JUN 2016), on The Scriptorium Daily at http://scriptoriumdaily.com/a-plain-account-of-trinity-and-gender/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Persis Lorenti, “A study in contrasts” (20 JUN 2016), on Tried With Fire at http://triedbyfire.blogspot.com/2016/06/a-study-in-contrasts.html [accessed 18 JUL 2016].

Sam Powell, “Unintended (?) Consequence” (20 JUN 2016), on My Only Comfort at https://myonlycomfort.com/2016/06/20/unintended-consequence/ [accessed 15 SEP 2016].

Barbara Roberts, “The ceiling came down, so it’s time to inspect the whole building. (ERAS Part 2)” (20 JUN 2016), on A Cry For Justice at https://cryingoutforjustice.com/2016/06/20/the-ceiling-came-down-so-its-time-to-inspect-the-whole-building-eras-part-2/ [accessed 15 SEP 2016].

21 JUN 2016

Carl Trueman, “Once more unto the breach… and then no more: A final reply to Dr. Grudem” (21  JUN 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/once-more-unto-the-breach-and-then-no-more-a-final-reply-to-dr-grude [accessed 22 JUN 2016].

Michael F. Bird, “Update on the Complementarian Trinity Debate” (21 JUN 2016), on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/06/update-on-the-complementarian-trinity-debate/ [accessed 22 JUN 2016].

Michael Riccardi, “The Trinitarian Beat Goes On” (21 JUN 2016), on the Cripplegate at http://thecripplegate.com/the-trinitarian-beat-goes-on/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Luke Isham, “The Subordination Dust-Up: the observations of a Complementarian” (21 JUN 2016), on Thinking Of God at http://thinkingofgod.org/2016/06/subordination-dust-observations-complementarian/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

22 JUN 2016

Luke Stamps, “Does the Father Have Power over the Son?” (22 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/22/does-the-father-have-power-over-the-son/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Matt Emerson, “Pietism, Anti-Intellectualism, and Doctrinal Disputes” (22 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/22/pietism-anti-intellectualism-and-doctrinal-disputes/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Admin, “Eternal generation, the economic Trinity, Warfield, Calvin, and much, much more – Lecture by Scott R. Swain” (22 JUN 2016), on Credo Magazine at http://www.credomag.com/2016/06/22/eternal-generation-the-economic-trinity-warfield-calvin-and-much-much-more-lecture-by-scott-r-swain/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016]; includes video: “Inaugural Lecture – “B. B. Warfield and the Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity” with Scott R. Swain” (29 OCT 2015), from RTS Orlando on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/144024815 [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Persis Lorenti, “A practical trickle-down from the Trinity debate” (22 JUN 2016), on Tried With Fire at http://triedbyfire.blogspot.com/2016/06/a-practical-trickle-down-from-trinity.html [accessed 12 JUL 2016].

Adam Omelianchuk, “Is There Hierarchy in the Trinity? A Response to Gons and Naselli” (22 JUN 2016), on Ochuk at https://ochuk.wordpress.com/2016/06/22/is-there-hierarchy-in-the-trinity/#more-2738 [accessed 19 JUL 2016].

23 JUN 2016

Admin, “Blast from the past: The Trinity and the Christian Life” (23 JUN 2016), on Credo Magazine at http://www.credomag.com/2016/06/23/blast-from-the-past-the-trinity-and-the-christian-life/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016]; a past issue of Credo Magazine 3:2 (APR 2013) on “The Trinity & The Christian Life: Why a Triune God Makes All the Difference.”

Aimee Byrd, “The Silence of Our Friends” (23 JUN 2016) on Housewife Theologian at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/housewife-theologian/the-silence-of-our-friends [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Christopher Cleveland, “Why the Trinitarian Controversy Was Inevitable” (23 JUN 2016) on Mere Orthodoxy at https://mereorthodoxy.com/trinitarian-controversy-inevitable/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Mark Baddeley, “The Ordered Godhead: (3) Speaking of God…” (23 JUN 2016), on The Gospel Coalition Australia at https://australia.thegospelcoalition.org/article/the-ordered-godhead-3 [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Wyatt Graham, “The Complementarian Trinity Debate: A Chronological Summary (Pt II)” (23 JUN 2016), on DeTrinitate at http://wyattgraham.com/?p=48 [accessed 11 JUL 2016]; reposted on the Cripplegate (24 JUN 2016) at http://thecripplegate.com/the-complementarian-trinity-debate-a-chronological-summary-pt-ii/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Rachel Miller, “The Grand Design: A Review” (23 JUN 2016), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2016/06/23/the-grand-design-a-review/ [accessed 12 JUL 2016].

24 JUN 2016

Andy Lynch, “Trinitarian Discussions & Church History” (24 JUN 2016), on Parking Space 23 at http://www.parkingspace23.com/trinitarian-discussions-church-history/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Camden Bucey, Jeff Waddington, Jim Cassidy, and Lane G. Tipton, “Trinity, Processions, and Missions: Gaining Clarity in the Current Debate” (24 JUN 2016), a Christ the Center roundtable discussion (audio) on Reformed Forum at http://reformedforum.org/ctc445/ [accessed 24 JUN 2016].[8]

Carl R. Trueman, “The Ecumenical Consequences Of The Peace” (24 JUN 2016), on First Things at http://www.firstthings.com/blogs/firstthoughts/2016/06/the-ecumenical-consequences-of-the-peace [accessed 24 JUN 2016].

Malcolm Yarnell, “Trinity and Authority (Part One of Five)” (24 JUN 2016), on Malcolm Yarnell at http://baptisttheologians.blogspot.com/2016/06/trinity-and-authority-part-one-of-five_24.html [accessed 1 JUL 2016].

Jamin Hübner, “Subordinationism: Some Major Questions” (24 JUN 2016), on Jesus Creed at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2016/06/24/subordinationism-some-major-questions/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

25 JUN 2016

Malcolm Yarnell, “Trinity and Authority (Part Two of Five)” (25 JUN 2016), on Malcolm Yarnell at http://baptisttheologians.blogspot.com/2016/06/trinity-and-authority-part-two-of-five.html [accessed 1 JUL 2016].

Matthew Crawford, “Matthew Crawford: Clarifying Nicene Trinitarianism with Cyril of Alexandria” (25 JUN 2016), posted by Michael F. Bird on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/06/matthew-crawford-clarifying-nicene-trinitarianism-with-cyril-of-alexandria/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

26 JUN 2016

Daniel F. Wells, “Sitting at Douglas Kelly’s Feet: Subordination and the Current Debate” (26 JUN 2016), on O Felix Culpa at https://ofculpa.com/2016/06/26/sitting-at-douglas-kellys-feet-subordination-and-the-current-debate/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

27 JUN 2016

Malcolm Yarnell, “Trinity and Authority (Part Three of Five)” (27 JUN 2016), on Malcolm Yarnell at http://baptisttheologians.blogspot.com/2016/06/trinity-and-authority-part-three-of-five.html [accessed 1 JUL 2016].

Ian Hamilton, “The Trinitarian Debate: Some Reflections and Cautions” (27 JUN 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/06/the-trinitarian-debate-some-re.php [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Brandon D. Smith, “Why the Trinity Debate Matters for the Pulpit and the Pew” (27 JUN 2016), on Church Grammar at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/brandondsmith/2016/06/why-the-trinity-debate-matters-for-the-pulpit-and-the-pew/ [accessed 23 JUL 2016].

28 JUN 2016

Albert Mohler, “Heresy and Humility — Lessons from a Current Controversy” (28 JUN 2016), on Albert Mohler at http://www.albertmohler.com/2016/06/28/heresy/ [accessed 29 JUN 2016].

Liam Goligher, “On the Word “Heresy”” (28 JUN 2016), posted by Aimee Byrd on Housewife Theologian at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40189 [accessed 29 JUN 2016].

Carl Trueman, “A Reply to Dr. Mohler on Nicene Trinitarianism” (28 JUN 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40188 [accessed 29 JUN 2016].

Malcolm Yarnell, “Trinity and Authority (Part Four of Five)” (28 JUN 2016), on Malcolm Yarnell at http://baptisttheologians.blogspot.com/2016/06/trinity-and-authority-part-four-of-five.html [accessed 1 JUL 2016].

Luke Stamps, “The Trinity Debate: Where Do We Stand?” (28 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/28/the-trinity-debate-where-do-we-stand/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Rachel Miller, “Which Is It?” (28 JUN 2016), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2016/06/28/which-is-it/ [accessed 12 JUL 2016].

29 JUN 2016

Andy Snider, “Bad debates over good theology” (29 JUN 2016), on Parking Space 23 at http://www.parkingspace23.com/bad-debates-good-theology/ [accessed 29 JUN 2016].

Mark Jones, “The Irony of Mohler’s Post on the Trinity” (29 JUN 2016), on New City Times at http://newcitytimes.com/news/story/mohler-on-the-heresy-of-three-wills [accessed 1 JUL 2016].

Malcolm Yarnell, “Trinity and Authority (Part Five of Five)” (29 JUN 2016), on Malcolm Yarnell at http://baptisttheologians.blogspot.com/2016/06/trinity-and-authority-part-five-of-five.html [accessed 1 JUL 2016].

Matt Emerson, “Historical Theology and Biblical Evidence in the Trinity Debate” (29 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/29/historical-theology-and-biblical-evidence-in-the-trinity-debate/ [accessed 4 JUL 2016].

Matt Emerson, “A Summarized Biblical Case for Eternal Generation” (29 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/29/a-summarized-biblical-case-for-eternal-generation/ [accessed 4 JUL 2016].

Steven Wedgeworth, “Madness From The Gods?: Evangelicals, Complementarianism, And The Trinity” (29 JUN 2016), on The Calvinist International at https://calvinistinternational.com/2016/06/29/madness-gods-evangelicals-complementarianism-trinity/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Mark A. Garcia, “The Trinity-Subordinationism Debate and the Opportunity Before Us” (29 JUN 2016), on The Lydia Center For Women & Families at https://lydiacenter.org/2016/06/29/the-trinity-subordinationism-debate-and-the-opportunity-before-us/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].


30 JUN 2016

Matt Emerson, “An Attempt to Arbitrate the Trinity Debate” (30 JUN 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/06/30/an-attempt-to-arbitrate-the-trinity-debate/ [accessed 1 JUL 2016].

Bobby Grow, “Maximus the Confessor’s Response to the EFS in the Trinity” (30 JUN 2016), on The Evangelical Calvinist at https://growrag.wordpress.com/2016/06/30/maximus-the-confessors-response-to-the-efs-in-the-trinity/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Darren Sumner, “The Pactum Salutis, Divine Agreement, And Karl Barth” (30 JUN 2016), on Out of Bounds at https://theologyoutofbounds.wordpress.com/2016/06/30/the-pactum-salutis-divine-agreement-and-karl-barth/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Rachael Starke, “On “Conversation” and Controversy” (30 JUN 2016), on TheThinkingofThings at https://thethinkingsofthings.com/2016/06/30/on-conversation-and-controversy/ [accessed 18 JUL 2016].

1 JUL 2016

Kyle Claunch, “Some Clarifications from @kdclaunch[9] on Bruce Ware and the Trinity Debate” (1 JUL 2016), posted by Matt Emerson on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/07/01/some-clarifications-from-kdclaunch-on-bruce-ware-and-the-trinity-debate/ [accessed 1 JUL 2016].

Carl Trueman, “Letter and Spirit: From Constantinople to the Abstract of Principles” (1 JUL 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/letter-and-spirit-from-constantinople-to-the-abstract-of-principles [accessed 2 JUL 2016].

Lewis Ayres, “Lewis Ayres on the Meaning of Nicene Orthodoxy” 1 JUL 2016), posted by Michael F. Bird on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/07/lewis-ayres-on-the-meaning-of-nicene-orthodoxy/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Paul Helm, “What are creeds and confessions?” (1 JUL 2016), on Helm’s Deep at http://paulhelmsdeep.blogspot.com/2016/07/what-are-creeds-and-confessions.html [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

2 JUL 2016

Mark Jones, “A (Somewhat Annotated) Bibliography on the Trinity” (2 JUL 2016), on New City Times at http://newcitytimes.com/news/story/annotated-bibliography-on-the-trinity [accessed 4 JUL 2016].

Mark Baddeley, “The Ordered Godhead: (4) Athanasius and Nicea” (2 JUL 2016), on The Gospel Coalition Australia at https://australia.thegospelcoalition.org/article/the-ordered-godhead-4 [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

3 JUL 2016

Carl Trueman and Mark Jones, “Mark Jones’ Bibliography on the Trinity” (3 JUL 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/mark-jones-bibliography-on-the-trinity [accessed 4 JUL 2016].

Brandon D. Smith, “What the Trinity Debate Can Teach Seminarians” (3 JUL 2016), on Church Grammar at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/brandondsmith/2016/07/what-the-trinity-debate-can-teach-seminarians/ [accessed 23 JUL 2016].

4 JUL 2016

Bruce Ware, “Knowing the Self-Revealed God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – Guest Post by Bruce Ware” (4 JUL 2016), posted by Luke Stamps on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/07/04/knowing-the-self-revealed-god-who-is-father-son-and-holy-spirit/ [accessed 1 JUL 2016].

5 JUL 2016

Jultomte (?), “Confessional Orthodoxy and Evangelical Union” (5 JUL 2016), on Particular Voices at

https://pettyfrance.wordpress.com/2016/07/05/confessional-orthodoxy-and-evangelical-union/ [accessed 7 JUL 2016].

Carl Trueman and Mark Jones, “A Fulfilled Prophecy and Another Guest Post from Mark Jones” (5 JUL 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/a-fulfilled-prophecy-and-another-guest-post-from-mark-jones [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Liam Goligher, “We Cannot but Speak” (5 JUL 2016), posted by Aimee Byrd on Housewife Theologian at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/housewife-theologian/we-cannot-but-speak [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

6 JUL 2016

Andrew Wilson, “Complementarianism in Crisis?” (6 JUL 2016), on Think at http://thinktheology.co.uk/blog/article/complementarianism_in_crisis [accessed 7 JUL 2016].

Carl Trueman, “Some Random Thoughts on the Current Controversy” (6 JUL 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/some-random-thoughts-on-the-current-controversy [accessed 7 JUL 2016].

Mark Baddeley, “The Ordered Godhead: (5) Final Reflections” (6 JUL 2016), on The Gospel Coalition Australia at https://australia.thegospelcoalition.org/article/the-ordered-godhead-5 [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Seumas Macdonald, “A few more thoughts on the recent Trinity Debates” (6 JUL 2016), on The Patrologist at https://thepatrologist.com/2016/07/06/a-few-more-thoughts-on-the-recent-trinity-debates/ [accessed 14 JUL 2016].

Mark Snoeberger, “7 Points On The Ongoing Trinitarian Flap” (6 JUL 2016), on Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary at http://www.dbts.edu/2016/07/06/7-points-on-the-ongoing-trinitarian-flap/ [accessed 6 SEP 2016].

7 JUL 2016

Todd Pruitt, “Let’s all be Nicene” (7 JUL 2016), on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40220 [accessed 8 JUL 2016].

Carl Trueman, “Bavinck on Trinitarian Error” (7 JUL 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/bavinck-on-trinitarian-error [accessed 8 JUL 2016].

Darren Sumner, “The Heart of the Matter for Eternal Subordination” (7 JUL 2016), on Out of Bounds at https://theologyoutofbounds.wordpress.com/2016/07/07/the-heart-of-the-matter-for-eternal-subordination/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Rachel Miller, “Eternal Subordination of the Son and the ESV Study Bible (7 JUL 2016),

https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2016/07/07/eternal-subordination-of-the-son-and-the-esv-study-bible/ [accessed 12 JUL 2016].

8 JUL 2016

Stefan Lindblad, “Stefan Lindblad Responds to Bruce Ware” (8 JUL 2016), posted by Todd Pruitt on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40223 [accessed 9 JUL 2016].

Bruce Ware, “An Open Letter to Liam Goligher, Carl Trueman, and Todd Pruitt on Trinitarian Equality and Distinctions – Guest Post by Bruce Ware” (8 JUL 2016), posted by Luke Stamps on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/07/08/an-open-letter-to-liam-goligher-carl-trueman-and-todd-pruitt-ontrinitarian-equality-and-distinctions-guest-post-by-bruce-ware/ [accessed 10 JUL 2016].

Rachel Miller, “The Reformation Study Bible (ESV): A Comparison of Study Notes” (8 JUL 2016), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2016/07/08/the-reformation-study-bible-esv-a-comparison-of-study-notes/ [accessed 12 JUL 2016].

9 JUL 2016

Todd Pruitt, “A Mythological Godhead” (9 JUL 2016), on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40225 [accessed 10 JUL 2016].

Carl Trueman, “The Looking Glass War: Responding to Bruce Ware” (9 JUL 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40226 [accessed 10 JUL 2016].

Matt Emerson and Luke Stamps, “Responding to Bruce Ware with Charitable Criticism” (9 JUL 2016), on Secundum Scripturas at https://secundumscripturas.com/2016/07/09/responding-to-bruce-ware-with-charitable-criticism/ [accessed 10 JUL 2016].

11 JUL 2016

Alastair Roberts, “The Eternal Subordination of the Son Controversy: Subordination” (11 JUL 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/07/the-eternal-subordination.php [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Steven Wedgeworth, “Bruce Ware’s “Essential Properties Of Personhood”: Social Trinitarianism And Pro-Nicene Logic” (11 JUL 2016), on The Calvinist International at

https://calvinistinternational.com/2016/07/11/bruce-ware-social-trinitarianism-pro-nicene-logic/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016].

Rachel Miller, “Eternal Subordination of the Son and Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology” (11 JUL 2016), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/eternal-subordination-of-the-son-and-wayne-grudems-systematic-theology/ [accessed 12 JUL 2016].

Persis Lorenti, “A study in contrasts 2” (22 JUN 2016), on Tried With Fire at http://triedbyfire.blogspot.com/2016/07/a-study-in-contrasts-2.html [accessed 18 JUL 2016].

12 JUL 2016

Gavin Ortlund, “5 Principles for Studying the Trinity” (12 JUL 2016), on Soliloquium at https://gavinortlund.com/2016/07/12/5-principles-for-studying-the-trinity/ [accessed 13 JUL 2016].

Jeffrey A. Stivason, “The Trinity: Divine Simplicity & the Trinity” (12 JUL 2016), on Theology on the Go at http://www.placefortruth.org/blog/trinity-divine-simplicity-trinity [accessed 13 JUL 2016].

13 JUL 2016

Aimee Byrd, Todd Pruitt, and Carl Trueman, “The Trinity Debate” (13 JUL 2016), on Mortification of Spin at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/podcast/40234 [accessed 13 JUL 2016]. Includes a 20+ minute audio podcast.

Nick Batzig, “Wisdom and Biblical Principles of Complementarianism” (13 JUL 2016), on reformation 21 http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/07/wisdom-and-biblical-principles.php [accessed 14 JUL 2016].

14 JUL 2016

Rachael Starke, “Towards a More Complete Bibliography” (14 JUL 2016), on TheThinkingofThings at https://thethinkingsofthings.com/2016/07/14/towards-a-more-complete-bibliography/ [accessed 14 JUL 2016].

Michael F. Bird, “Scott Swain on Trinity without Hierarchy” (16 JUL 2016), on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/07/scott-swain-on-trinity-without-hierarchy/ [accessed 18 JUL 2016].

18 JUL 2016

Tom Nettles, “The Trinity: Reflections without Recrimination” (18 JUL 2016), on Founders at http://theblog.founders.org/the-trinity-reflections-without-recrimination/ [accessed 18 JUL 2016].

19 JUL 2016

Scot McKnight, “Aimee Byrd Reviews Complementarian Reviews of…” (19 JUL 2016), on Jesus Creed at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2016/07/19/aimee-byrd-reviews-complementarian-reviews-of/ [accessed 23 JUL 2016].

20 JUL 2016

John Chester, “The Trinity and Complementarianism” (20 JUL 2016), on Parking Space 23 at http://www.parkingspace23.com/the-trinity-and-complementarianism/ [accessed 20 JUL 2016].

Aimee Byrd, “Does Complementarity Just Boil Down to a Tiebreaker?” (20 JUL 2016), on Housewife Theologian at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40283 [accessed 22 JUL 2016].

21 JUL 2016

Andrew Fulford, “Explainer: Divine Simplicity and the Trinitarian Controversy” (21 JUL 2016), on Mere Orthodoxy at https://mereorthodoxy.com/explainer-divine-simplicity-trinitarian-controversy/ [accessed 22 JUL 2016].

Alastair Roberts, “The Eternal Subordination of the Son Controversy: The Need for Trinitarian Clarity” (21 JUL 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/07/the-eternal-subordination-of-t-2.php [accessed 22 JUL 2016].

Tom Nettles, “The Trinity: Prosopologically Speaking (Response to Some Comments)” (21 JUL 2016), on Founders at http://theblog.founders.org/the-trinity-prosopologically-speaking/ [accessed 22 JUL 2016].

David Bayly, “Subordination and the Trinity….” (21 JUN 2016), on Bayly Blog at http://baylyblog.com/blog/2016/06/subordination-and-trinity [accessed 19 SEP 2016].

22 JUL 2016

Tim Bayly, “Right. Got it.” (22 JUN 2016), on Bayly Blog at http://baylyblog.com/blog/2016/06/right-got-it  [accessed 19 SEP 2016].

23 JUL 2016

Michael F. Bird, “James Dunn on John’s Logos Christology and Subordinationism” (23 JUL 2016), on Euangelion at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/euangelion/2016/07/james-dunn-on-johns-logos-christology-and-subordination/ [accessed 23 JUL 2016].

Jeffrey A. Stivason, “The Trinity: An Overview, Order in the Persons” (23 JUL 2016), on Place for Truth at http://www.placefortruth.org/blog/trinity-overview-order-persons [accessed 24 JUL 2016].

24 JUL 2016

Fred Zaspel, “The Great Debate: Listen in as Four Theologians Discuss the Trinity Debate” (24 JUL 2016; 1:12:43 audio of Fred Zaspel interviewing a panel with Mike Ovey, Fred Sanders, Scott Swain, and Steve Wellum), on Books at a Glance at http://booksataglance.wpengine.com/blog/listen-four-theologians-discuss-trinity-debate/ [accessed 25 JUL 2016].

Fred Sanders, “Trinity Podcast Hosted by Zaspel” (24 JUL 2016), on The Scriptorium Daily at http://scriptoriumdaily.com/trinity-podcast-hosted-by-zaspel/ [accessed 1 AUG 2016].

25 JUL 2016

Todd Pruitt, “I am not a complementarian” (25 JUL 2016), on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40320 [accessed 26 JUL 2016].

26 JUL 2016

Rachel Miller, “Eternal Subordination of the Son and Books for Youth” (26 JUL 2016), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2016/07/26/eternal-subordination-of-the-son-and-books-for-youth/ [accessed 10 SEP 2016].

27 JUL 2016

Donny Friederichsen, “I Am (Still) A Complementarian” (27 JUL 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/07/i-am-still-a-complementarian.php [accessed 1 AUG 2016].

28 JUL 2016

Denny Burk, “The Son’s willing submission to the Father in the pactum salutis” (28 JUL 2016),

on Denny Burk at http://www.dennyburk.com/the-sons-willing-submission-to-the-father-in-the-pactum-salutis/ [accessed 28 JUL 2016].

Aimee Byrd, “Catholic Integral Complementarity” (28 JUL 2016), on Housewife Theologian at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40350 [accessed 29 JUL 2016].

Douglas Wilson, “Triune Botherations” (28 JUL 2016), on Blog & Mablog at https://dougwils.com/s16-theology/triune-botherations.html [accessed 19 SEP 2016].

29 JUL 2016

Rachel Miller, “Eternal Subordination of the Son and Books for Women” (29 JUL 2016), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2016/07/29/eternal-subordination-of-the-son-and-books-for-women/ [accessed 10 SEP 2016].

1 AUG 2016

Denny Burk, “Jonathan Edwards calls the Father “Head of the Trinity”” (1 AUG 2016), on Denny Burk at http://www.dennyburk.com/jonathan-edwards-calls-the-father-head-of-the-trinity/ [accessed 1 AUG 2016].

Todd Pruitt, “”Confessional” is still better than “Complementarian”” (1 AUG 2016), on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40356 [accessed 2 AUG 2016].

2 AUG 2016

Carl Trueman, “It’s the economy!” (2 AUG 2016), on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/its-the-economy [accessed 3 AUG 2016].

3 AUG 2016

John McClean, “The Evangelical ‘Civil War’ over Submission in the Trinity: it’s complicated!” (3 AUG 2016), on Thinking of God at http://thinkingofgod.org/2016/08/evangelical-civil-war-submission-trinity-one-reason-complicated/ [accessed 9 AUG 2016].

Andrew Wilson,  “God in Three People?”  (3 AUG 2016), on Think at http://thinktheology.co.uk/blog/article/god_in_three_people [accessed 15 AUG 2016].

4 AUG 2016

Michael Allen, “[Common Places] Pro-Nicene Theology: Entryways and Ineffability (Part 1)” (4 AUG 2016), on Zondervan Academic at http://zondervanacademic.com/blog/common-places-pro-nicene-theology-entryways-and-ineffability-part-1 [accessed 5 AUG 2016].

John McClean, “The Eternally Begotten, Sent and Obedient Son — developing and defending a position” (8 AUG 2016), on Thinking of God at http://thinkingofgod.org/2016/08/eternally-begotten-sent-obedient-son-developing-defending-position/ [accessed 9 AUG 2016].

Todd Pruitt, “Our Doctrine of God Matters” (8 AUG 2016), on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/node/40407 [accessed 9 AUG 2016].

Jonathan Master with Liam Goligher, “The Trinity: Pastoral Implications Podcast” (26:06 min.), on Theology on the Go at http://www.placefortruth.org/blog/trinity-pastoral-implications-podcast [accessed 9 AUG 2016].

5 AUG 2016

Michael Allen, “[Common Places] Pro-Nicene Theology: Entryways and Ineffability (Part 2)” (5 AUG 2016), on Zondervan Academic at http://zondervanacademic.com/blog/common-places-pro-nicene-theology-part-2/ [accessed 2 SEP 2016].

10 AUG 2016

Joe Holland, “Social Interaction And Exegetical Trinitarianism” (10 AUG 2016), on The Christward Collective at http://www.christwardcollective.org/christward/social-interaction-and-exegetical-trinitarianism [accessed 11 AUG 2016].

Denny Burk, “My Take-Away’s from the Trinity Debate” (10 AUG 2016), on Denny Burk at http://www.dennyburk.com/my-take-aways-from-the-trinity-debate/ [accessed 15 AUG 2016].

11 AUG 2016

Aimee Byrd, “What Denny Burk Could Do” (11 AUG 2016), on Housewife Theologian at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/housewife-theologian/what-denny-burk-could-do-0 [accessed 15 AUG 2016].

Scot McKnight, “CBMW, Denny Burk and Aimee Byrd” (11 AUG 2016), on Jesus Creed at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2016/08/11/cbmw-denny-burk-and-aimee-byrd/ [accessed 15 AUG 2016].

12 AUG 2016

Rachel Miller, “Eternal Subordination Of The Son And CBMW” (12 AUG 2016), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2016/08/12/eternal-subordination-of-the-son-and-cbmw/ [accessed 29 AUG 2016].

14 AUG 2016

Barbara Roberts, “The Trinity: there’s a danger in trying to explain things that are beyond our pay grade (wise words from Liam Goligher)” (14 AUG 2016), on A Cry For Justice at https://cryingoutforjustice.com/2016/08/14/the-trinity-theres-a-danger-in-trying-to-explain-things-that-are-beyond-our-pay-grade/ [accessed 15 SEP 2016].

22 AUG 2016

Alastair Roberts, “The Eternal Subordination of the Son: The Need for Trinitarian Clarity (Part 2)” (22 AUG 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/08/the-eternal-subordination-of-t-3.php [accessed 22 AUG 2016].

Kate Shellnutt, “Behind the Trinity Tussle: For complementarian women, the debate was more than abstract” (22 AUG 2016), on Christianity Today at http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2016/september/behind-trinity-tussle.html [accessed 29 AUG 2016]. Note: A subscription is required for full access to read beyond the article preview.

Barbara Roberts, “Bruce Ware teaches that a wife’s lack of submission threatens her husband’s authority, and he responds to this threat by abusing her (ERAS part 3)” (22 AUG 2016), on A Cry For Justice at https://cryingoutforjustice.com/2016/08/22/bruce-ware-teaches-that-a-wifes-lack-of-submission-threatens-her-husbands-authority-and-he-responds-to-this-threat-by-abusing-her/ [accessed 15 SEP 2016].

24 AUG 2016

Rachel Miller, “CBMW’s Blog Series On The Eternal Subordination Of The Son” (24 AUG 2016), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2016/08/24/cbmws-blog-series-on-the-eternal-subordination-of-the-son/ [accessed 29 AUG 2016].

Todd Pruitt, “Will CBMW Refute EFS?” (24 AUG 2016), on 1517 at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/1517/will-cbmw-refute-efs [accessed 29 AUG 2016].

Carl Trueman, “Rachel Miller on CBMW and EFS/ERAS” (24 AUG 2016) on Postcards From Palookaville at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/rachel-miller-on-cbmw-and-efseras  [accessed 29 AUG 2016].

29 AUG 2016

Barbara Roberts, “Why I think Wayne Grudem is unwilling to accord full respect to women (ERAS part 4)” (29 AUG 2016), on A Cry For Justice at https://cryingoutforjustice.com/2016/08/29/why-i-think-wayne-grudem-is-unwilling-to-accord-full-respect-to-women-eras-part-4/ [accessed 15 SEP 2016].

31 AUG 2016

Denny Burk, “The Trinity and the Covenant of Redemption” (31 AUG 2016), on Denny Burk at http://www.dennyburk.com/the-trinity-and-the-covenant-of-redemption/ [accessed 1 SEP 2016].

1 SEP 2016

Steven J. Duby, “[Common Places] Pro-Nicene Theology: Divine Simplicity” (1 SEP 2016), on Zondervan Academic at http://zondervanacademic.com/blog/common-places-pro-nicene-theology-divine-simplicity/ [accessed 2 SEP 2016].

Aaron Denlinger, “A Valuable (or not) Historical Resource on Gender Roles” (1 SEP 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/09/a-valuable-or-not-historical-r.php [accessed 10 SEP 2016].

6 SEP 2016

Ryan McGraw, “Does the Trinity Really Matter? Part 1” (6 SEP 2016), on Meet the Puritans at http://www.meetthepuritans.com/blog/does-trinity-really-matter-part-1 [accessed 7 SEP 2016].

7 SEP 2016

Todd Pruitt, “Is the Son Equal to the Father?” (7 SEP 2016), on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/1517/is-the-son-equal-to-the-father [accessed 8 SEP 2016]. Note: This post has since been removed by the author as explained in his post, “Another Follow-Up On My Post Concerning Denny Burk’s Article” (8 SEP 2016). See below for the link to that explanation.

Rachel Miller, “Eternal Subordination Of The Son And Biblical Patriarchy” (7 SEP 2016), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2016/09/07/eternal-subordination-of-the-son-and-biblical-patriarchy/ [accessed 10 SEP 2016].

8 SEP 2016

Todd Pruitt, “A Follow-Up to My Post on Denny’s Article” (8 SEP 2016), on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/1517/a-follow-up-to-my-post-on-dennys-article  [accessed 9 SEP 2016].

Todd Pruitt, “Another Follow-Up On My Post Concerning Denny Burk’s Article” (8 SEP 2016), on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/1517/another-follow-up-on-my-post-concerning-denny-burks-article [accessed 9 SEP 2016].

Scott Clark, “We Are Not Merely Discussing Economic Subordination” (8 SEP 2016), on The Heidelblog at http://heidelblog.net/2016/09/we-are-not-merely-discussing-economic-subordination/ [accessed 9 SEP 2016].

Barbara Roberts, “An open letter to Dr Wayne Grudem (ERAS part 5)” (7 SEP 2016), on A Cry For Justice at https://cryingoutforjustice.com/2016/09/07/an-open-letter-to-dr-wayne-grudem-eras-part-5/ [accessed 15 SEP 2016].

9 SEP 2016

Carl Trueman, “In the end, it all comes down to this” (9 SEP 2016), on Postcards from Palookaville at http://www.alliancenet.org/mos/postcards-from-palookaville/in-the-end-it-all-comes-down-to-this? [accessed 10 SEP 2016].

12 SEP 2016

Barbara Roberts, “Eternal Subordination of the Son and Biblical Patriarchy — by Rachel Miller ( a reblog)” (12 SEP 2016), on A Cry For Justice at https://cryingoutforjustice.com/2016/09/12/rachel-millers-recent-posts-on-biblical-patriarchy-and-complementarianism/ [accessed 19 SEP 2016]

14 SEP 2016

Todd Pruitt, “Correcting An Error” (14 SEP 2016), on 1517 at http://www.mortificationofspin.org/mos/1517/correcting-an-error [accessed 15 SEP 2016].

Rachel Miller, guest post by Brad Mason: “Surprised By Orthodoxy: Responding to the Eternal Subordination of the Son Using the Pro-Nicene Fathers” (14 SEP 2016), on A Daughter of the Reformation at https://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/2016/09/14/surprised-by-orthodoxy-responding-to-the-eternal-subordination-of-the-son-using-the-pro-nicene-fathers/ [accessed 19 SEP 2016].

18 SEP 2016

Fred Sanders, “The Sent God” (18 SEP 2016), on The Scriptorium Daily at http://scriptoriumdaily.com/the-sent-god/ [accessed 19 SEP 2016].

19 SEP 2016

Richard D. Phillips, “Why Complementarianism Remains Important” (19 SEP 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/09/why-complementarianism-remains.php [accessed 19 SEP 2016].

Compiled by:

John T. “Jack” Jeffery

Pastor, Wayside Gospel Chapel

Greentown, PA

Church email: waysidegospelchapel@yahoo.com

Church blog: http://waysidegospelchapel.blogspot.com/

[1] Current revision date: Sept 19, 2016.

[2]None of the interaction on Twitter is included.

[4] Fred Zaspel has forwarded to me many of the sources listed in this bibliography that I would not otherwise have been aware of.

[5] Also included with this post are: “UPDATE (6/13/16) – Swain and Allen on the obedience of the eternal Son,” and “UPDATE (6/14/16) – Fred Sanders on the obedience of the Son.”

[6] Parker has the year wrong for the following post: Keith Johnson, “Is the Eternal Generation of the Son a Biblical Idea?” (18 JUN 2012), on The Gospel Coalition at https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/is-the-eternal-generation-of-the-son-a-biblical-idea [accessed 11 JUL 2016]. Parker has the dates wrong for the following posts: Ian Hamilton, “The Trinitarian Debate: Some Reflections and Cautions” (27 JUN 2016), on reformation 21 at http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/06/the-trinitarian-debate-some-re.php [accessed 11 JUL 2016]; and Bobby Grow, “Maximus the Confessor’s Response to the EFS in the Trinity” (30 JUN 2016), on The Evangelical Calvinist at https://growrag.wordpress.com/2016/06/30/maximus-the-confessors-response-to-the-efs-in-the-trinity/ [accessed 11 JUL 2016]. I consolidated all of the posts Parker documented in his “Omnibus” for the current debate from 3 JUN 2016 on in this bibliography as of 11 JUL 2016.

[7] The blog post was distilled from his article: D. Glenn Butner Jr., “Eternal Functional Subordination And The Problem Of The Divine Will,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 58:1 (2015), pp. 131-149; on Academia at https://www.academia.edu/11771377/Eternal_Functional_Subordination_and_the_Problem_of_the_Divine_Will [accessed 15 JUN 2016].

[8] Includes audio of the panel discussion (1:01:52 ) that may also  be downloaded as an mp3 file (28.4 mb).

[9] Kyle Claunch, “An Attempt at Clarity and Charity Without Compromising Orthodoxy.” Claunch is the author of “God is the Head of Christ: Does 1 Corinthians 11:3 Ground Gender Complementarianism in the Immanent Trinity,” in One God in Three Persons: Unity of Essence, Distinctions of Persons, Implications for Life, eds. John Starke and Bruce Ware (Wheaton: Crossway, 2015), pp. 65-94, s.v. ch. 3.

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