A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance
By Fred Zaspel
For my money, there are a few commentaries in the Expositor’s Bible Commentary series that, by themselves, would warrant buying the entire set. D.A. Carson’s Matthew commentary is certainly one. But there are others, and of course in recent years Zondervan has been revising and updating the series, even with new authors added to the list.
Other noted authors in this series include John Sailhamer, Walter Kaiser, Richard Hess, Mark Boda, Murray Harris, and more. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary series is a solid set of commentaries that gives the preacher or student something reliable on the whole Bible. This is a proven commentary series that is well worth the while.
I bought the original set years ago, but I’ve given them all away to have it now in digital format. I have increasingly become a fan of commentaries on Logos. The searchability and ease of access can’t be beat – not to mention the shelf space it freed up!
A reliable resource with several outstanding, “must have” contributions. Highly recommended.
Buy the books

Logos - Expositor’s Bible Commentary (Revised Edition, 13 volumes)