A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance
by Fred Zaspel
I’ve spent some time now perusing this new study Bible, and I am impressed – a very helpful guide to reading the Bible with understanding. Albert Mohler (general editor), Mitch Chase (managing editor), James Hamilton (Old Testament editor), and Benjamin Merkle (New Testament editor) have assembled a world-class team of biblical scholars – Stephen Dempster (Genesis), T.D. Alexander (Exodus), Ian Duguid (1Kings), Christopher Ash (Job), Simon Gathercole (Romans), Duane Garrett (Jeremiah-Lamentations), Robert Plummer (James), Charles Quarles (Colossians, Philemon), Andreas Köstenberger (Pastorals), Matthew Harmon (Jude), to name just a few. In all, the NIV Grace & Truth Study Bible is a superb guide for Bible reading and an excellent resource for Bible reference and study.
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NIV GRACE & TRUTH STUDY BIBLE, edited by R. Albert Mohler