Weekly Recap, September 23, 2023
What is the scandal of the evangelical mind? See two differing views in our summary of The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, by Mark A. Noll and our review of The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, by Carl Trueman.
Archive Spotlight – September 22, 2023
Essential Reading on the Cappadocian Fathers, by Michael A. G. Haykin
Essential Reading on the Cappadocian Fathers by Michael A. G. Haykin Editor’s Note: We asked Dr. Michael Haykin for his recommendations for reading on the Cappadocian Fathers. You’ll want to see his suggestions below! Basil of Caesarea, On…
Weekly Recap, September 16, 2023
Why is the Nicene Creed so important? See our summary of The Nicene Creed: An Introduction, by Phillip Cary.
Archive Spotlight – September 15, 2023
Weekly Recap, September 9, 2023
How would you summarize the Old Testament? What is at the core of Old Testament theology? See our summary of The Heartbeat of Old Testament Theology: Three Creedal Expressions, by Mark J. Boda.
Archive Spotlight – September 8, 2023
A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance by Fred G. Zaspel J.I. Packer explains why Berkhof has been so widely used and appreciated: “Nobody, it seems to me, matches Berkhof for his skill in saying much, very…
Weekly Recap, September 2, 2023
This week we wrapped up our summary series of all four volumes of The History of Sexuality, by Michel Foucault. Don’t miss out on our last summary and refer back to previous weeks for earlier volumes.
Archive Spotlight – September 1, 2023
Weekly Recap, August 26, 2023
Why is Christian journaling important and what impact could it have on your life? See our review of Imperfect Reflections: The Art of Christian Journaling, by Kirsten Birkett.
Archive Spotlight – August 25, 2023
Weekly Recap, August 19, 2023
This week we highlighted a great series called Do Great Things for God from The Good Book Company. The series consists of nine biographies of women who have been used by God to spread the Gospel. This is a wonderful series…
Archive Spotlight – August 18, 2023
A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance by Kristin Stiles “What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a question that is asked of every child. Some quickly respond with their aspirations while others…
Weekly Recap, August 12, 2023
This week we began a short summary series on The History of Sexuality (4 Volumes), by Michel Foucault. Join us this week and in the coming weeks for these informative summaries.
Archive Spotlight – August 11, 2023
Book Notice: THE HISTORY OF SEXUALITY (4 VOLUMES), by Michel Foucault
A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance Editor’s Note: Tomorrow we feature the first of a four-part summary of Michel Foucault’s History of Sexuality. We feature Foucault not as advocates, of course, but because of his significant…