Weekly Recap, December 19, 2020

This week our summary of Gene Edward Veith Jr.’s new book Post-Christian: A Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture merits reading to understand both how to comprehend the changes around us and how we can think about responding. Have a look!

Archive Spotlight – December 18, 2020

Book Notice: LINGUISTICS AND NEW TESTAMENT GREEK: KEY ISSUES IN THE CURRENT DEBATE, edited by David Alan Black and Benjamin L. Merkle

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance   Linguistic studies generally and New Testament Greek, in particular, are areas of learning that have advanced significantly in recent decades. Students who learned Greek years ago have perhaps heard of…

Weekly Recap, December 12, 2020

For those looking to understand biblical theology better, you should have a look at and listen to our interview with the authors of 40 Questions about Biblical Theology. This book will undoubtedly be an important resource for understanding biblical theology for…

Archive Spotlight – December 11, 2020

Book Notice: THE BAKER ILLUSTRATED BIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTARY, edited by J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance By Fred G. Zaspel   Given the distance between the contemporary Bible reader and the biblical world itself resources like this are most helpful. Overall, the editors here have assembled an…

Weekly Recap, December 5, 2020

This we brought to you a summary of an important book by D. A. Carson. We are likely all facing uncertain times, and this book can definitely help us think biblically about our situation and similar difficulties we will face…

Archive Spotlight – December 4, 2020

Book Notice: STRANGERS AND PILGRIMS ON THE EARTH: REMEMBERING THE MAYFLOWER PILGRIMS, edited by Michael A. G. Haykin, Roy M. Paul, with John Clements

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance   In this 400th anniversary year of the Mayflower we simply must give notice of this new book. Excellent studies of the history and lives of individual figures of the Mayflower,…

Weekly Recap, November 28, 2020

This week we offered our summary of a very important edited volume on hermeneutics. Since we will all likely have more down-time with Thanksgiving this week, have a look!

Archive Spotlight – November 27th

Book Notice: THE TRINITY: AN INTRODUCTION, by Scott R. Swain

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance Fred G. Zaspel   If this new book is any indication, Crossway’s new Short Studies in Systematic Theology series (Graham Cole & Oren Martin, eds.) is destined to be a smashing…

The Jay E. Adams Bibliography: In Memory

The Jay E. Adams Bibliography: In Memory By Fred G. Zaspel and Benjamin J. Montoya   Jay E. Adams (1929-2020) is known as the father of the modern biblical counseling movement. His books are used widely as textbooks and references…

Weekly Recap, November 21, 2020

This week we offered an important summary of Believer’s Baptism. This book is perhaps one of the most important on the topic, especially because of Steve Wellum’s insightful analysis and critique of infant baptism. Have a look!

Archive Spotlight – November 20th


A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance   About the Book: Reconciling the existence of God and evil has been a long-standing conundrum in Christian theology, yet a philosophical approach--rather than a theological one--dominates the discussion. Turning to…

Finding the Will of God

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance By Fred G. Zaspel   “Finding God’s will for my life” is a notion that in recent generations of evangelicalism has been surrounded mystical ideas of various kinds, mostly unhelpful. In…

Weekly Recap, November 14, 2020

This week we focus two reviews on one book (no, not a mistake). John Owen is one of the most important Puritan figures, so a good introduction to him deserves plenty of attention. Have a look!