ESV Thinline Bible Sale–Worth Buying, Even Just to Give Away!

ESV Thinline Bible Sale--Worth Buying, Even Just to Give Away!   [video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]   The top-selling ESV Thinline Bible is ideal for use at home and on-the-go. At less than 1 inch thick and available in multiple designs, there is…

Book Notice: EIKON: A JOURNAL FOR BIBLICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, edited by Denny Burk and Andrew T. Walker

A Book Notice from Books At a Glance By Jonathan Ahlgren   Considering recent worldview changes within the culture and the need for Christian clarity and engagement regarding anthropology, Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology is a must-read. This Journal…

Weekly Recap, February 22, 2020

This week take special note of our summary of Ben Shapiro’s Primetime Propaganda. This summary is eye-opening in so many ways, and it helps us to see the importance of analyzing what we see on TV. Have a look!

“Here is a book to be welcomed enthusiastically, to be read carefully, and to be returned to frequently.” -Sinclair B. Ferguson

"Here is a book to be welcomed enthusiastically, to be read carefully, and to be returned to frequently." -Sinclair B. Ferguson   [video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]   In our world, we use the word heart to refer to our emotions. But the Bible…

A Monumental New Release by G.K. Beale & Benjamin Gladd

A Monumental New Release by G.K. Beale & Benjamin Gladd [video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]   New Testament introductions fall into two categories: those that emphasize the history behind the text through discussions of authorship, dating, and audience, and those that…


A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance   We were pleased to see this new book arrive from Shepherd Press – an encouraging (even if challenging) overview of Scripture’s commands concerning how Christians are to interact with one…

Weekly Recap, February 15, 2020

This week we brought to you an important summary of a book by Ben Shapiro. Although he is not a Christian, his books provide helpful examples of worldview analysis when it comes to politics. We hope we enjoy these kinds…

“True productivity is more than just getting things done.”

[video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]

Book Notice: FAITHFUL AND FRUITFUL: ESSAYS FOR ELDERS AND DEACONS, by William Boekestein and Steven Swets

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance   Effective ministry does not just happen, and few books are given to helping church officers think through and prepare for effective ministry. That’s the niche this book seeks to fill.…

“If silence has been a weapon pornography has employed, then conversation is an ally in our fight.”

  [playlist type="video" tracklist="false" ids="19775"] Read a sample here!

Weekly Recap, February 8, 2020

This week pay particular attention to my summary of Ben Shapiro’s Brainwashed. Although he is not a Christian, his work is particularly relevant for worldview and cultural analysis.

Bethlehem Conference for Pastors Best Sellers

Bethlehem Conference for Pastors Best Sellers   Do we have the wrong map for the Christian life? Life's inconveniences, disappointments, and trials can leave us confused, cynical, and eventually bitter. But the apostle Paul traces out the path of dying…

February New and Noteworthy Sale: STRUCK DOWN BUT NOT DESTROYED: LIVING FAITHFULLY WITH ANXIETY, by Pierce Taylor Hibbs

February New and Noteworthy Sale   We all struggle with anxiety at various points in life, some of us more than others. In fact, some 40 million Americans are treated for anxiety disorders each year. Anxiety is a real and…

Book Notice: ANXIETY: KNOWING GOD’S PEACE, by Paul Tautges

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance Fred Zaspel   We have featured some of Paul Tautges’s works here before, and we are glad to give a positive heads up concerning his newest title – this time aimed…

“I read Witmer’s book in one sitting. I found it that engaging and helpful. This is practical theology at its best: applying biblical principles to contemporary pastoral needs.” Kevin DeYoung

Book Sale at WTS Books   Leaders in the church are called to be shepherds, not a board of directors. This requires involvement in a personal shepherding ministry among the people. The Shepherd Leader unpacks the four primary ministries of…

Weekly Recap, February 1, 2020

This week take special notice of Kristin Stiles’ review of two new titles in the Good News for Little Hearts series. Whether you have young children or not, chances are likely that you know someone who does. These books are…

“A book to keep near, especially when you don’t know how to pray.”

"A book to keep near, especially when you don't know how to pray."   That prayer is most likely to pierce heaven which first pierces one's own heart." For the Puritans, prayer was neither casual nor dull. Their prayers were…

Book Notice: WALKING THE ANCIENT PATHS: A COMMENTARY ON JEREMIAH, by Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. with Tiberius Rata

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance Fred G. Zaspel   Walter Kaiser is something of a legend in Old Testament studies, and his major new commentary on the prophecy of Jeremiah must receive notice. A lifetime of…