Book Sale at WTS Books: CCEF for Kids Sale

Book Sale at WTS Books: CCEF for Kids   Henry the hedgehog loves his pet ladybug. She keeps him company and entertains him, his family, and his friends with her flying tricks. But one day, he has to say good-bye…

Books for Teens: Some Miscellaneous Recommendations from Fred G. Zaspel

Books for Teens: Some Miscellaneous Recommendations from Fred G. Zaspel   A few weeks ago someone gave me the idea to recommend some books that would be good for Christian teens, especially homeschoolers (who read so very much!). Below are…

Weekly Recap, October 5

As we bring this week to a close, consider reviewing or reading some of our material from this past week. Of particular note is our summary of The Forgotten Church. Ministry in rural areas matters tremendously despite current emphases on urban…

Book Notice: READING REVELATION IN CONTEXT: JOHN’S APOCALYPSE AND SECOND TEMPLE JUDAISM, by Ben C. Blackwell, John K. Goodrich, and Jason Maston, eds.

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance   Reading Revelation in Context brings together short, accessible essays that compare and contrast the visions and apocalyptic imagery of the book of Revelation with various texts from Second Temple Jewish literature.…

Book Sale at WTS Books: Up to 44% off of GOD, YOU, & SEX: A PROFOUND MYSTERY, by David White

Book Sale at WTS Books: Up to 44% off!   In this important and engaging biblical teaching on sexuality, David White helps readers develop a Scripture-based perspective on human sexuality that goes beyond just wait until you're married. God, You, and…


A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance   Who is the Holy Spirit? aims to help people see who the Holy Spirit is through Scripture’s description of him, offering biblical insights into the identity of the third person…


Sale at WTS Books   Joyless. Severe. Fanatical. "Haunted by the fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." That's the Puritan reputation. But to what extent is that reputation deserved? Drawing on the latest research, and featuring interviews with some…

Congratulations to Benjamin J. Montoya, Ph.D., for His Successful Ph.D. Thesis Defence!

Congratulations!!   We want to say congratulations to one of our Assistant Editors who does the lion's share of the work behind the scenes for our summaries, website posts, editing, and audio recordings. On Friday, September 27, 2019, he successfully…

Weekly Recap, September 28

As Fall begins and many people start spending more time inside, that will certainly provide more time for reading. Consider our posts from this week to help you get started!

Book Notice: 1 & 2 CHRONICLES, by Peter J. Leithart

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance   Peter Leithart, a respected theologian known for his ability to communicate to a broad audience, offers a theological reading of 1 and 2 Chronicles. Leithart uncovers the narrative logic of Chronicles, highlights…

Book Notice: THE PASTOR’S LIFE: PRACTICAL WISDOM FROM THE PURITANS, by Matthew D. Haste and Shane W. Parker

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance   The men whose stories appear in this book made up a network of pastors. Through personal contact, or influence, or by reading each other’s books, they were bound together in…

Book Sale at WTS Books: ESV Reader’s Bibles Sale: 50% Off 12 Editions

Book Sale at WTS Books: ESV Reader's Bibles: 50% Off 12 Editions     Editor's Note: I own the 6 volume set due to a generous Christmas gift from a local church member the year this edition was released. This…

Weekly Recap, September 21

Welcome to the end of another productive week for Books At a Glance. Please consider reading our posts from this past week, as we have several for you to read and/or listen to!

Book Notice: GLORY TO THE THREE ETERNAL: TERCENTENNIAL ESSAYS ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF BENJAMIN BEDDOME (1718-1795), editing by Michael A. G. Haykin, Roy M. Paul, and Jeongmo Yoo

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance   This is the first critical study of the writings of the English Particular Baptist Benjamin Beddome (1718–1795), whose evangelical ministry stretched over the last half of the eighteenth century. Best…

Book Sale at WTS Books: GOD’S WORD FOR TODAY (5-VOLUME SET), by John Stott with Tim Chester

Book Sale at WTS Books   How can Christians effectively engage today's world while staying true to Scripture? Calling us to listen well to both the Word and the world, John Stott shows how Christianity can preserve its authentic identity and remain…

Book Notice: COLOSSIANS AND PHILEMON, by G. K. Beale

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance By Fred G. Zaspel   We are always eager to see a new book from Greg Beale, and we couldn’t let his new commentary on Colossians and Philemon pass without at…

Book Sale at WTS Books: 50% off of David Powlison’s Last Book

Book Sale at WTS Books: 50% off of David Powlison's Last Book   Safe and Sound by best-selling author David Powlison guides readers to see the normality of their struggles with themselves, the world around them, and the powers of darkness.…


A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance   We were happy to see this brief but well-informed new book from our friend Stephen Davis – a man who has been deeply involved in cross-cultural ministry for decades. Cross-cultural…