The Historical Reliability of the New Testament: Craig Blomberg and His Books
We recently asked Craig Blomberg to talk to us about his books, and in response he has given us a very informative survey of his important work … and of some yet to come! Guest Blog by Craig Blomberg…
Weekly Recap June 26, 2016
Catch up on our weekly summary, BB Warfield’s Plan of Salvation, and all the rest. Any questions? Visit our Facebook page or our Twitter.
Weekly Recap July 2, 2016
Don’t miss this weeks new content! Among other thing we summarized B.B. Warfield’s classic work The Plan of Salvation, interviewed Stephen Wellum about Progressive Covenantalism, reviewed two works on different parts of the Old Testament and had a timely guest post…
Multiple Denominations, Common Evangelicalism
A Guest Blog from Anthony Chute, Chris Morgan, and Robert Peterson For most outside the church, and increasingly many inside the church, denominational differences are viewed as nothing more than petty disagreements among strong-willed religious partisans. Opposition to denominations ranges anywhere…
Weekly Recap June 25, 2016
Lots of good content this week. Don’t miss our summary of Hans F. Bayer’s A Theology of Mark, also of note is Daniel I. Block’s new commentary on the book of Ruth! This week we also posted a bibliography of…
Is it Okay to Teach a Complementarianism Based on Eternal Subordination?
A guest blog by John T. “Jack” Jeffery A bibliography of articles and posts in the current debate (began 3 June 2016) concerning the eternal subordination of God the Son to God the Father in relation to the complementarian/egalitarian controversy…
The Constant Threat of Idolatry
A guest blog by Brad Bigney Idolatry is a constant threat because we’re so prone to Gospel drift. That’s why the hymn writer got it right more than two hundred years ago when he wrote, ‘Prone to wander, Lord, I…
Weekly Recap June 18, 2016
This week we interviewed Benjamin L. Gladd and Matthew S. Harmon on their new book which explores how an inaugurated eschatology should influence the Christian’s everyday experience. We also summarized Andreas Köstenberger and Michael Kruger on their important book The Heresy of Orthodoxy. Make…
Are You Living Blind to One of Your Greatest Enemies?
A guest blog by Brad Bigney What am I talking about? Idolatry. Yes, idolatry. So why do we live blind to it so often? Here’s why: idolatry doesn’t operate out in the open; that’s not how it happens. It’s elusive…
Weekly Recap June 11, 2016
Lots of good content to check out this week, including a review of Denny Burk and Heath Lambert’s Transforming Homosexuality; an interview with Scott Christensen in which he tackles issues like God’s sovereignty, free will, and human responsibility; and a summary of…
The Experience of the Author in Writing a Book
Guest Blog by Mark Jones What goes into writing a book? This seems to me to be a relevant question at a website like this. One should have some relative competence in the area they are writing. I doubt I’ll…
Weekly Recap June 4, 2016
Not many apologetic books have served the public as well as Lee Strobel’s. This best-selling book disspells many of the myths surrounding Jesus’ historical person with interviews with top-notch biblical scholars. You’ll strengthen your apologetic knowledge through this summary and…
I don’t know of another book like this. With his Salvation Accomplished by the Son Robert Peterson (Professor of Systematic Theology at Covenant Theological Seminary who seems to do nothing other than produce books!) gives us his magnum opus in…
Consider Christ in Affliction
Guest Blog by Joel Beeke Dear believer, I desire to write you about something with which you are well acquainted: affliction. Much has been written on affliction by our forebears. A good part of it you have known for a…
Weekly Recap May 29, 2016
Read our summary of God’s Glory Alone and everything else from this week.
CHURCH HISTORY 101: THE HIGHLIGHTS OF TWENTY CENTURIES, by Sinclair B. Ferguson, Joel R. Beeke, and Michael A. G. Haykin
What a delightful gem this is, and what an important niche it fills! As the title implies, this little book is designed especially for readers new to the study of church history (although I suspect that older students of church…
Can the Greek Article Prove the Deity of Christ?
Guest Blog from Andreas Köstenberger A few years ago, my family and I (Andreas) visited Westminster Abbey, the venerable cathedral that over the centuries has witnessed a larger number of historic events. The Abbey has served as the coronation church…
Weekly Recap May 21, 2016
An important summary this week in a crucial time for our country. See also our interview on homosexuality and genetics, another timely issue.