A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance If you don’t expect a book about inter-denominational unity and denominational distinctives and history to hold your interest, then I suggest you pick up a copy of Why We Belong: Evangelical…

Books At a Glance Weekly Recap 06-21-2014

Greetings from Books At a Glance! Here’s a breakdown of all the articles that we published for you this week. Enjoy!

Items of Interest

Baptism Leon Brown’s helpful bibliography on baptism Tributes to Wm. Lane Tributes to William Lane on the fortieth anniversary of the publication of his commentary on the Gospel of Mark – from Ardel Caneday and J. Ramsey Michaels. Trinity Fred…


We have already made mention (here and here) of P&R’s Christian Answers to Hard Questions series. As the title implies, each booklet takes up a single question of fundamental significance to the Christian faith that faces challenges in today’s public…

Worth Reading

25 Facts on the Importance of Fathers Eugene Merrill speaks about Jesus and Atonement in the Old Testament Andy Naselli provides a nice overview of John Frame’s Selected Shorter Writings Some moving thoughts from Tim Challies, Setting Up My Kids…

Weekly Recap 06-15-2014

Happy Fathers’ Day! “And I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.” — 2 Cor. 6:18 ESV

Good Reading on the Web!

Excellent interview with Jim Hamilton on his new Ezra-Nehemiah commentary, Exalting Jesus in Ezra-Nehemiah (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series from B&H) Michael Kruger’s review of Bart Eherman’s new book Part 1.  Bart Ehrman’s Worldview Problem Part 2.  Did the Early Christians…

Resources on the Web

  Check out these helpful resources ...     Andy Naselli has a good post on John MacArthur and David Platt’s comments on the “died-and-went-to-heaven-and-back” books. Matthew Claridge at Credo has a nice interview with Vern Poythress on his new…

ESV Reader’s Bible

Crossway has released the new ESV Reader's Bible with the biblical text in reader-friendly paragraph format. It's available both in Hardcover and Leather editions. Here is their 10 page PDF sampler   And for our Kindle friends, here are some special Kindle offerings…

Crossway’s new KNOWING THE BIBLE series

Crossway has just introduced a new series of 12-week Bible studies for individuals and study groups ...   Available in Kindle ... Genesis, by Mitchell Kim Isaiah, by Drew Hunter Romans, by Jared Wilson James, by Greg Gilbert Or if you prefer…

THE AMERICAL SOUL RUSH: Esalen and the Rise of Spiritual Privilege, by Marion Goldman

Yoga, transcendental meditation, Jungian psychology, The Secret, The Celestine Prophecy, The Alchemist, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Oprah … Esalen. For anyone living in America, most of this list is probably pretty familiar. These are the well-known practices, books and names…

Check it out!

Items of interest … C.E.B. Cranfield’s On Romans  -- free giveaway from Logos. There is No ‘Third Way’ – Al Mohler comments on the homosexual issue now in the SBC. A Summary of Henry Scougal’s classic, “The Life of God in…

SOUND DOCTRINE by Bobby Jamieson

Ours is not the first generation to express distaste for doctrine. That’s an old problem. Warfield lamented the “doctrinal indifferentism” of his day, and the apostle Paul warned of it long before him. I will be the first to admit…

Tribute to Tom Nettles by Jim Renihan

It is a great pleasure to pay tribute to Dr. Tom J. Nettles upon his retirement from Southern Seminary. Dr. Nettles has been to many a professor, teacher, mentor and friend. He generously gives of his time and knowledge, and…

Tribute to Tom Nettles by Tom Ascol

I had the privilege of meeting Tom Nettles in 1977 when he was a new professor at Southwestern Seminary and I was a junior at Texas A&M University struggling with a call to gospel ministry. I felt like I was…

Two More Nettles Tributes

We hope you have enjoyed this week with us as we have paid tribute to Tom Nettles on his retirement from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. We have appreciated the feedback many of you have sent, expressing your affection, esteem,…

Tribute to Tom Nettles By Sean Michael Lucas

When my wife Sara and I were in Louisville, we had theblessing of being part of Tom Nettles’ Sunday school class at DeHaven Memorial Baptist Church in Lagrange, Kentucky. Through that class, Tom was our friend and pastor and cared…

Tribute to Dr. Tom Nettles By Michael Haykin

I first met Tom Nettles at a conference at Jarvis Street Baptist Church in Toronto in 1988. I was then teaching at Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto, Tom was transitioning from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School…