Have you ever wondered how the New International Version (NIV) Bible came to be?
In 1965 the Committee on Bible Translation took on the most massive translation project of modern times: to prepare a contemporary English translation of the Bible from the best available original manuscripts.
Fifty years later, the New International Version remains the global standard as an accurate, beautiful, trustworthy translation of God’s Word. It’s faithful to the original text, rooted in everyday English, and perfect for biblical study—that’s what has made it the bestselling modern-English translation in the world.
Those seeking a clear and precise Bible translation that will let them hear God’s voice like the ancient audience did need look no further.
Simple. Clear. Trustworthy. Beautiful. The NIV.
Check out this video of Dr. Douglas Moo and others on the Committee for Bible Translation discussing their work.
You may also like to see the new and FREE NIV 50th Anniversary Bible app!
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NIV, Thinline Reference Bible