Published on February 14, 2015 by Fred Zaspel

Rowman & Littlefield, 2013 | 264 pages

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance

A remarkable history of the infamous Crusades that seeks to right some the too often misunderstood record. What were the crusades in their original intent? What was the original cause? Was it a war of aggression? Was it a justifiable cause? And just what happened in carrying out that cause? What were the injustices? What is the legacy of the crusades … for Muslims and for others? A very well-informed book, Madden tells “the story of the crusades in a concise, understandable, and engaging manner based on the extraordinary fruits of more than half a century of modern scholarship.” Full of interest, especially given the renewed references to the crusades in comparison to current events.

Table of Contents

1.  The Call
2.  The First Crusade
3.  The Rise of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Second Crusade
4.  The Decline of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade
5.  The Fourth Crusade
6.  Crusading at Home
7.  The Fifth Crusade and the Crusade of Frederick II
8.  The Crusades of St. Louis
9.  The Later Crusades
10.  The Legacy of the Crusades

264 pages


Buy the books

The Concise History Of The Crusades (third Student Edition) (critical Issues In World And International History)

Rowman & Littlefield, 2013 | 264 pages

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