A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance
About the Book:
This is an honest, graphic and affectionately told account of the closing year of the life of a godly wife, dying of cancer. As such it is both a love story and a testimony to the reality of the goodness and faithfulness of our covenant God in the hardest times of life.
It illustrates what happened when a precious wife was struck down by an aggressive, high-grade brain tumour. As well as openly portraying the problems and heartaches that the cancer brought, the book shows the reality of the presence of the Lord with his children in the intimidating valley of the shadow of death. It also reveals the surprising robustness of the work of grace in the heart, and the immense value of a loving church in supporting suffering believers. The book closes with an honest account of coping with the grief that inevitably follows such a loss, and readjustment to life as a single person after a long and happy marriage. In addition, it seeks to provide proven practical wisdom for those in a similar situation, and explores the biblical truth that can support and more than sustain those coming to terms with losing a spouse and entering the unique loneliness of widowhood.
This is a book for many people, especially:
• Those going through, or having passed through, similar experiences
• Those seeking to support and help those facing similar trials
• Christians who lives are blighted by the fear of being struck by such afflictions
• All interested in a defence of Christian hope regarding death and beyond
• Those unbelievers who wonder what difference biblical faith makes in such times
About the Author:
Graham Heaps was minister of Dewsbury Evangelical Church for four decades. He is now retired and lives in Dewsbury with his wife Barbara, who he married three years after Sue’s death.
I’ve read this book, every word. I couldn’t put it down. I have known its author for forty years, and also his wife for those same long and happy decades. There are few people I have admired as much. A year after Sue died my own wife Iola also died. I have walked the same valley as Graham, but what tenderness, kindness, patience and self- disparagement he has shown, and what submission to the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. I would have given all the world to write this book as Graham expresses himself here…Please taste it. Read the first page or two and get the feel of two ordinary people who meet, fall in love and live a richly fulfilling and modest life, serving, caring and enjoying all that God brings to them, to the very end.
Pastor Geoff Thomas
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