For all the “little stories” you’ve heard from the Bible, do you understand its “big story”? Just what is the big story that ties all the little stories together? And how does that larger story inform the various episodes that carry it?
In this little gem of a book Iain Campbell traces seven major epochs of the Bible story – Creation, Redemption (Exodus), Inheritance (Promised Land), Incarnation, Resurrection, Pentecost, and Christ’s Glorious Appearing – in order to present the larger Christ-centered, gospel-shaped story of the Bible in broad view.
From creation onwards God has been working out his purpose for history, and the various highpoints of “redemptive history” can be understood only in light of this larger purpose. Campbell interprets these “stories that tell the Story” accordingly.
Marked by well-informed simplicity this introductory guide to the Bible and its message is very well suited for both Christian reading and evangelistic use.
The Author’s Introduction
My purpose in this little book is to present the gospel, the ‘good news’ message of salvation, which focuses on the lord Jesus Christ. That message is told us in the Bible, and this book is a retelling of the story….
Our world does not like absolute truth, or propositional statements. It is profoundly suspicious of religious texts; Yet the Bible is the source for the story of God’s salvation. The drama of redemption is rooted and grounded in the God who acted, and who continues to act in human history that his glory might be displayed and enjoyed by us.
I’ve focused here on seven pivotal points of salvation history – what I’ve called the seven wonders of the world. Read the story, then read the epilogue, and put your trust in Jesus Christ.
Amos Magezi, director of the Uganda Bible Institute, Mbarara, Uganda
What a book to be written in an era when people are suppressing the truth only because they do not want to believe the gospel! This book simplifies and summarises the complexity of sixty-six books of the Bible. It helps the reader to understand the unity and one true story of God’s plan to save mankind as it unfolds in the Bible. It removes doubt about issues in the Bible which seem not to be clear to many. Indeed it is a gospel – good news – presentation.”
Edward Donnelly, Minister, Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church, Newtownabbey and Principal, Reformed Theological College, Belfast
What an ideal book for a generation which is biblically illiterate, yet fascinated by stories! For lain Campbell shows how the Bible tells the greatest of all stories – which has moreover the merit of being true. Taken together, these seven highlights of God’s saving activity provide a rounded picture of the Person in whom alone salvation is to be found – the Lord Jesus Christ. Dr Campbell has mastered the art of profound simplicity, with a wealth of teaching contained in an accessible and fascinating narrative. ‘Wonderful’ in more than one sense! A delightful read
A delightful read. Highly recommended.
Fred Zaspel
Other Books by Iain Campbell
Opening Up Exodus
The Gospel According to Ruth
Ruth: A Devotional Commentary
The Care of the Good Shepherd: Meditations on Psalm 23
Opening Up Matthew’s Gospel
I Am: Exploring the ‘I Am’ Sayings of John’s Gospel
The Wondrous Cross
The Doctrine of Sin
A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Sin: The Disease & Its Cure
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Pray, Plan, Prepare, and Preach
Heroes & Heretics
Fixing the Indemnity: The Life & Work of Sir George Adam Smith (1856-1942)
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The Seven Wonders of the World: The Gospel in the Storyline of the Bible