Book Summary:

"Justification," Chapter 5 of THE WAY OF LIFE, by Charles Hodge
A “Bonus” Chapter Summary from Books At a Glance By Benjamin J. Montoya The doctrine of justification seeks to answer the following crucial question: how can a man be just with God? Our answer to this question is of…
A Brief Book Summary from Books At a Glance By Benjamin J. Montoya About the Author Jerry Bergman has 9 degrees, including seven graduate (= ‘post-graduate’ in some non-US systems) degrees. His major areas of study for his past…Our Blog:

Have Little Time to Read?
Check Out Our Book Summaries! “Executive summaries” have a long and proven value in the business world, and we at Books At a Glance are excited to bring the same to Christian readers. In our Book Summaries we “crunch” a book…
Book Notice: THE WAY OF LIFE, by Charles Hodge
A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance Fred G. Zaspel When I first read this book back in the 1970s it quickly became a favorite, and I am very happy to see it come back into print…~ The Books At a Glance Team