Published on December 12, 2016 by Joshua R Monroe

Crossway, 2016 | 96 pages

Reviewed by Joshua T. Benadum


Joshua, A 12 Week Study by Trent Hunter is an excellent guided study through the Book of Joshua and all its major themes. Hunter brilliantly balances inductive exposition with thematic analysis and always leaves the reader with a clear view of how the narrative fits into God’s greater redemptive plan. I recommend this study to anyone seeking an accessible non-technical resource on the Book of Joshua either for use in personal devotions or small group study.

After a brief introductory chapter which outlines the text and takes the reader through relevant selections from Deuteronomy in order to provide both historical and theological context, Hunter breaks the Book of Joshua into ten digestible segments. Each study is broken into sections, some with built-in blanks and key questions for the reader to engage. The Place of the Passage addresses immediate context, The Big Picture reminds us of why the events contained are significant. Reflection and Discussion prompts the reader to delve into the text and draws attention to the key points of the narrative. Each study then ends with four sections of commentary by Hunter on major themes and provides opportunity for response. Gospel Glimpses connects the content of the passage to Jesus and his saving work. Whole Bible Connections highlights Joshua’s place in the broader biblical narrative. Theological Soundings expounds upon the unique points of theology touched by the text at hand. Finally, Personal Implications leads the reader to devotionally reflect and pray through what has been studied. The studies are broken down accordingly:  

Week 1: Overview
Week 2: An Old Promise, a New Leader (1:1-18)
Week 3: Sending in the Spies, Finding a Surprise (2:1-24)
Week 4: Crossing the Jordan, Getting Right with God (3:1-5:15)
Week 5: A Foolish Plan, A Decisive Outcome (6:1-27)
Week 6: Two Piles of Stones, One Crucial Lesson (7:1-8:35)
Week 7: Taking More Land, Hanging More Kings (9:1-12:24)
Week 8: Putting Down Roots, Receiving God’s Inheritance (13:1-19:51)
Week 9: Cities for Justice, People for Worship (20:1-21:45)
Week 10: An Alter of Remembrance, and Unforgettable Altercation (22:1-34)
Week 11: Joshua Dies in the Land, the Promise of Rest Lives On (23:1-24:33)
Week 12: Summary and Conclusion

The book ends with a summary and conclusions study, tying up loose ends and looking back at all major themes.  

In conclusion, Joshua, A 12 Week Study by Trent Hunter is theologically edifying, well structured, and personally inspiring, but avoids sacrificing depth or scholarship.  This is a rare balance, and I hope this resource finds its way into the hands of men and women who otherwise would fail to engage the sometimes difficult but nevertheless spiritually enriching text of Joshua.


Joshua T. Benadum is Pastor and Leadership Class Instructor at Xenos Christian Fellowship, Columbus, OH

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Crossway, 2016 | 96 pages

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