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Reviewed by John T. Jeffery The “bottom line up front” of this review is that Hamilton’s book is my first choice to introduce others to this subject. It has three big elements in its favor apart from the perspective of…
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Reviewed by Paul Tautges Do you ever wish you could start over? I mean really start over? Do you ever feel, as a husband, that you wish you knew then — when you first got married — what you know…
Reviewed by Trey Moss At face value How Jesus Became God looks promising. Bart Ehrman is a world-renowned scholar who has published and edited numerous academic works on textual criticism and early Christianity. Pastors or informed lay-persons would benefit…
Reviewed by Mark Farnham Anyone who has ever contemplated the sovereignty of God and human choice has wrestled with the seeming contradictions of joining these two together. If God knows and ordains all that happens, doesn’t that make the universe…
Reviewed by J. Stephen Yuille What is love? For many in our day, love is strictly the stuff of Hallmark cards and movies. It’s a warm, fuzzy feeling that defies explanation. It’s an overwhelming emotion that people helplessly follow because…
Reviewed by Bethany Spears The Author Gloria Furman is a wife, mother of four young children, doula, and blogger. In 2008 her family moved tot the Middle East to plant Redeemer Church of Dubai where her husband, Dave, serves as…
Reviewed by Michael Haykin “Belle: an 18th-century triumph of humanity” A painting now hanging in Scone Palace near Perth in Scotland, once entitled in 1904 as “Lady Elizabeth Finch-Hatton with a Negress Attendant,” provides biographer Paula Byrne with the…
Reviewed by Fred G. Zaspel Many Christians have puzzled over the fact that interpretations of Scripture differ so widely among equally devoted Christians, but few have pursued the question with the tenacity of Christian Smith in his The Bible…
Jesus himself told us that he is the grand subject — the hero, if you will — of the Old Testament Scriptures, and it is the delight of every Christian who takes the time to investigate to see just how…
Reviewed by Jeff K. Walters In the face of increasing secularism and bad news, as well as the decline of churches and baptisms, evangelical leaders, especially in the United States, are calling for intense prayer for revival and spiritual awakening.…
Reviewed by Thomas Middlebrook This stand-alone commentary, initially to be published for the discontinued Eerdmans Critical Commentary series, provides the expert rhetorical criticism and the moderate historical conclusions of a seasoned scholar. Lundbom’s prior contributions to OT studies lie…
Reviewed by Chris Bruno Sigurd Grindheim’s Introducing Biblical Theology has a certain Scandavian efficiency to it. In it, the author summarizes the storyline of Scripture in very accessible and succinct way, highlighting key points and discussing important debates in biblical…
Reviewed by Jacob Shatzer Brent Waters’s Christian Moral Theology in the Emerging Technoculture creates a critical and constructive theological engagement with modern technology (especially communications technology). Waters refuses to call technology “neutral” because he rightly notes the way technology…
Review-Summary by Michael John Plato The Guru Next Door Probably the most famous person to live in my home town was a Tibetan lama by the name of Tuesday. It’s a fairly small town in rural Canada, with strong…
Reviewed by David Murray Why read Ezra and Nehemiah? Jim Hamilton takes that often-whispered question by the scruff of the neck right at the beginning of his new commentary on these books in the Christ-Centered Exposition series in order to…
Reviewed by Wyatt Graham Introduction & Overview R. W. L. Moberly’s book contributes to the burgeoning field of the Theological Interpretation of Scripture (TIS). Hence, Moberly’s Old Testament theology focuses not only on what the text meant to its original…