A Brief Book Summary from Books at a Glance
by Steve West
This book is part of the Banner of Truth’s box set of Puritan Classics. Watson’s original work was first published in 1663.
Table of Contents
1 The Best Things Work for Good to the Godly
2 The Worst Things Work for Good to the Godly
3 Why All Things Work for Good to the Godly
4 Of Love to God
5 The Tests of Love to God
6 An Exhortation to Love God
7 Effectual Calling
8 Exhortations to Those Who are Called
9 Concerning God’s Purpose
Romans 8:28 “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.”
This is a rich dish in the feast of God’s revelation. First, note the certainty of this truth: we know the reality of the gospel. The Lord does not leave his children in uncertainty, but seals them by the Spirit and convinces them of the truth. We should note in the second place that this is an excellent privilege: all things work together for good. If this will not satisfy, nothing will. An ingredient in isolation might be poisonous to us, but God skillfully combines it all into medicine for our good.
Chapter 1: The Best Things Work for Good to the Godly
Both the best and the worst things are worked together for the good of the godly. God’s incredible power is used to support us in our need; his wisdom gives us insight in the darkness; his goodness crowns us with innumerable blessings. Consider how the promises of God work for our good. He promises forgiveness and mercy to those who are in Christ. He is with us in trouble, and although we may be sore pressed, we are never abandoned. God’s promises strengthen our faith and give us joy. When our hearts are sinking God’s promises lift us up. God’s mercies humble and melt our hearts in love for him. They make our hearts fruitful and thankful, as well as stir us up to obey Christ and exercise compassion towards others. God has given us spiritual disciplines such as prayer, attending the preaching of the Word, and participating in the Lord’s Supper so that we can be strengthened. All of the Spirit’s various graces (including faith and the fear of the Lord) aid us in our walk with the Lord. Angels minister to the saints for their good, and the communion of saints is for mutual aid and edification. The children of God bless others through intercessory prayer, and every believer is upheld by the intercession of Christ. . . .
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ALL THINGS FOR GOOD, by Thomas Watson