A Brief Book Summary from Books At a Glance
by Steve West
About the Author
Sinclair Ferguson is a widely-respected theologian, teacher, and author. He is frequently invited to speak at major conferences, and his ministry has blessed the lives of countless pastors and believers.
Table of Contents
- Family Life or What Is a Church?
- What Is Your Story? or Are You a Christian?
- Follow My Leader or Being a Disciple
- A Glorious Addiction or What Is a Member?
- Have You Ever Arrived at Church? or Worship
- Are You Hearing Me? or The Bible
- Does It Help to Know Some Latin? or Christian Baptism
- ‘The Christian’s Native Air’ or Prayer
- The View from the Foot or Christian Service
- Is There Anything Special for Supper? or Communion
- Home and Away or Christian Witness and World Mission
Chapter 1: Family Life or What is a Church?
Being a Christian means believing in Jesus Christ, but it also means belonging to the family of God. Many organizations have strict requirements for membership, but it seems like many churches are willing to let their members do almost anything they want. It is essential that we recognize that the church belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ, and it is of central importance. Jesus loves the church, and if I am his disciple, I should love the church, too. Are we centered on the church, and do we understand that it is Christ’s, not ours? In the New Testament, church is not an add-on, it is something that is to be central in our lives. Jesus makes it clear that it is to be a number one priority for us.
We actually harm our families when we put them ahead of the church family because our families need the church in order to be fully healthy. Parents were never meant to be everything to their children, and they do not have all of the spiritual gifts that their children need. There are hundreds of images used in the New Testament to describe the church, but two key ones are the city of God and the family of God. Jesus plans, designs, and builds this city. God calls people together into the church so that they can function as his children in family relationships. Being God’s child is to be a controlling image we have, and we are to think of him as our Father. In the church, there is to be a family resemblance with similar spiritual traits. As in natural families, even though no church is perfect, we should love our church and feel that everyone belongs. Christ lived and died for the church, and we ought to devote our lives to what he values and loves so dearly. . . .
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