Published on November 21, 2023 by Eugene Ho

Focus Publishing, 2017 | 166 pages

A Brief Book Summary from Books At a Glance

by Steve West


Table of Contents

  1. What is College?
  2. The College Conversation and Typical Considerations
  3. Worldview
  4. The Purpose of College
  5. Influences and Pursuit
  6. God Defines Success and Guarantees Results
  7. Is There Really a Difference and Does it Matter?
  8. The Dangers of Making the Wrong Choice
  9. Parent Involvement in The College Choice
  10. Being a Good Steward
  11. Objections and Answers
  12. One Size Does Not Fit All
  13. What to Look For in a Christian College
  14. Practical Questions and Considerations
  15. A Summary of Biblical Guidance
  16. The Christian College Checklist
  17. What if I’m Still Not Sure?
  18. Final Thoughts



In this work, college and university will be used as interchangeable terms to denote a typical “four-year, residential, post-high school institution.” The college experience is one of learning new ideas, experiencing new community, shaping intellectual and moral beliefs, and acquiring skills for the workplace. As a Christian, college should be a place for growth in maturity and wisdom, leaving childish things behind. College degrees have focused concentrations of studies called “majors,” and comprehensive learning has historically been the primary reason for attending college. Christians need to relate all of their learning to God and the truth of Scripture. Professors and colleagues influence students, whether positively or negatively. The material studied—and the way it is presented—is also influential. Social experiences and student activities are a large part of student satisfaction. Family and church need to be an integral part of a student’s life during the college years. There is no escaping the fact that the college experience is intensive and takes place in community.

Every year there are countless conversations about choosing a university that take place between parents and students. Far too often these conversations tend to revolve around prestige, money, jobs, and the social environment of a particular school. Given the rejection of God and his truth in our society, it is not surprising to find that surveys reveal that, “reputation, jobs, cost, and social activities rank far higher than religious considerations.” The world pushes people to prefer worldly reasons for attending worldly institutions. This is owing to the unbiblical worldview that is dominant in our culture.

Worldviews provide answers to the fundamental questions of existence, life, religion, and morality. There are huge differences in how people interpret and understand life and the world. The Christian worldview understands the truth that the world is created by the Sovereign God and that it is only through the work of Jesus Christ that we can be saved from our sin. All of life is to be lived for his glory. It is essential that Christians engage in a deep analysis of their college choices, and the motivations behind them. Education is not neutral, even though many believers erroneously think that it is. Doing anything for reasons other than glorifying God is wrong, and it is sinful to leave God out of decision-making for education. As in everything else, prayer and Scripture reading are essential when choosing a college and degree program. . . .

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Focus Publishing, 2017 | 166 pages

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