A Brief Book Summary from Books At a Glance
by Steve West
This book is part of the Banner of Truth’s box set of Puritan Classics. Flavel’s original work was first published in 1678.
Table of Contents
Part One: The Evidence of Providence
Part Two: Meditation on the Providence of God
Part Three: Application of the Doctrine of Providence
Part One: The Evidence of Providence
All of our affairs are guided by a wise and careful Providence. There is a general Providence that governs all creatures and things, and a particular Providence that guides the saints and church. God’s people have often received mercies that go beyond natural causation; God performs miracles for them and restrains the wicked. God’s people are spared evils and often blessed through natural instrumentation that goes beyond statistical probability. How is it that those bent on evil are so often knocked off course? How is it that those who do good or evil to the saints are blessed or cursed accordingly? All of these realities are exactly what Scripture says they will be; Providence and Scripture fully agree. There are far too many “coincidences” in the nick of time to be contingently accidental. Not only so, but these perfectly timed deliverances come on the wings of prayers, which proves an intentional link of cause and effect.
The work of Providence exquisitely shapes us in the womb. Every part and feature of our design is supernatural. Beyond the craftsmanship of our body, the faculties and worth of the soul is beyond measure. God kept us safe in the womb and brought us safely into the world, sparing us thousands of dangers. The time and place of our birth was determined by God, and we have much to thank him for in regard to his choice. When so many are born in pagan idolatry or hear of Islam from birth, thank God for being born to hear the gospel. There have been times when England was pagan, or when Protestants were executed. We are blessed with precious means of grace, and much cause of prejudice has been removed. Anyone with pious parents has had an extraordinary stream of blessing flowing to them, and anyone well-disciplined and taught has been able to avoid much corruption and pain. Many parents neglect the souls of their children, and many others discourage all signs of spiritual growth. Parents: none are so likely to be used for good or evil in the lives of your children than you yourselves. Children: if you have godly parents, obey them fully and thank God for them.
Providence shines brightest in how it orders and brings about conversion. Scripture shows us numerous examples of how a seemingly small detail led to a person’s conversion. Some have been converted through a “chance” reading of a line in a book; others through a sermon where the preacher spoke a word that was totally unplanned. God configures our environment including the people that we will be around, and in his plan, godly people cross our paths in incredible ways. Oftentimes God has sent his servants to strange places on what seem to be strange errands, and the result is a conversion. Great and notorious sinners have been converted in the most remarkable of ways. As Providence works wondrously and mysteriously to effect conversion, it continues to so work to lead us to perfection. In grace, God keeps bringing reminders to us of our sin and showing us our absolute need of Christ. Praise him for the amazing grace that planned out your salvation and led you to repentance and faith!
God’s gracious Providence sets us in a calling and employment. Thank God if he kept you from an idle youth and prepared you for good work from the beginning. It is never good to be lazy and unengaged in honest work if you are able to work well. God can fit us for the calling that is lawful and most suitable for us. There are many who labor in sinful work, and it is a mercy to be spared from such. It is also a gift of grace to attain a station higher than you could expect. Scripture shows many individuals who were called out of menial work to the high privilege of being kings, prophets, and apostles. It is a mercy that God keeps our estates from ruin, and that he provides us employment to meet our needs. He knows what is best for us mentally, physically, and spiritually. . . .
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