A Book Review from Books At a Glance
by Kristin Stiles
The name Kenneth N. Taylor is very familiar in the realm of children’s story Bibles. Parents may remember him as the author of the first Bibles that their parents read to them when they were little. Although Mr. Taylor graduated to a much greater realm over a decade ago, his writings continue to serve as the foundation for Bible literacy among the youngest generation. His well-written adaptations of stories from the Bible have recently been republished with the beautiful illustrations of Jenny Brake. Their combined work has produced a remarkable resource for parents of young children.
There are many things that I appreciate about the stories that Taylor has written. They are, of course, clear and concise and worded in such a way that is understandable to children. Beyond that, the selection of stories is excellent. There are 68 stories from the Old Testament and 53 from the New Testament. There are all the stories you would expect to find covering all the characters and events that highlight the main themes of the Bible, but there are also stories that aren’t necessarily expected. For example, you will find the story of the lepers finding food from 2 Kings and the account of Ezra reading the law to the people. From the New Testament, you can read about Paul’s nephew saving his life and about the book of Hebrews. Each story is accompanied by a reference where it can be found in scripture. My favorite thing about these stories, however, is the number of times that Taylor makes a definitive statement as to how this fits into the narrative of the gospel. Many of the Old Testament stories end with a clear connection to Christ.
The overall appearance of this book also makes it a delight. The colorful illustrations are so very enjoyable. Her characters all have a whimsical appearance that is very eye-catching. I also really appreciate the font selections. They are the perfect companion to the illustration style. This book is just such a pleasure to look at!
I would highly recommend this story Bible to parents of young children. These are the stories that you want your children to learn with the gospel application that you want them to understand. These truly are the Bible stories that EVERY child should know!
Kristin Stiles is a home-school mom, a Sunday School teacher, and helps lead the “Young, Reading, & Reformed” children’s ministry at Reformed Baptist Church of Franconia, PA.
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