Kristin Stiles’ Review of ADVENTURES IN ACTS, VOLUMES 1 & 2, by David Luckman

Published on October 16, 2024 by Eugene Ho

CF4Kids, 2024 | 68 pages

A Book Review from Books At a Glance

by Kristin Stiles


The Book of Acts provides a fascinating look at how the early church developed and how the message of the risen Savior and the offer of salvation spread throughout Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. David Luckman has adapted this book to a young audience and added study and application helps that are not only instructive, but very engaging and interesting. 

In Adventures in Acts, the Book of Acts is divided into a total of 48 readings. Volume One covers Acts chapters one to thirteen and Volume Two covers chapters fourteen to twenty-eight. Each reading begins with the passage of scripture paraphrased verse by verse in language that is understandable to children ages 7-11. The reader can easily pick out verses from Acts that s/he has memorized because the paraphrases stay very close to the text. Following the paraphrase, Luckman provides a brief summary under the heading “What’s the Point.” The overall gist of the passage and its application to the reader are simply stated here. Next, Luckman adds two features that point the reader to other relevant passages of scripture. The first is “Look Back/Forward” which connects the verses in Acts with Old Testament prophecies, accounts from the Gospels, or writings in the Epistles or Revelation. The other section is called “Check This Out” which directs the reader to other passages where a similar word/scenario might occur or there are other events which relate to what was read that day. Finally, there is a section titled “Think” which poses a question for the reader to consider in processing and applying the text.

There is so much to commend this work. I appreciate that Luckman didn’t leave out anything from the Book of Acts. He handles it all and is able to make it clear and enjoyable for his young audience. I also appreciate the additional features he includes beyond the paraphrase. I especially like the connections that he makes with other passages in the Bible. It is important for children to learn that the Bible is a cohesive book that is the inspired Word of God and as such, it should all weave together. This book is also very enjoyable to look through with very well-done illustrations by Silvana di Marcello. 

I would highly recommend these two volumes for family devotions or as part of a homeschool Bible study. Sunday School teachers who are going through the Book of Acts would also find these extremely helpful resources. 


Kristin Stiles is a home-school mom, a Sunday School teacher, and helps lead the “Young, Reading, & Reformed” children’s ministry at Reformed Baptist Church of Franconia, PA.

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CF4Kids, 2024 | 68 pages


CF4Kids, 2024 | 68 pages

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