A Book Review from Books At a Glance
by Kristin Stiles
There are lots of Christmas books for small children. Most of them focus on the secular aspects of Christmas, but there are many that share the story of the nativity—Jesus’ incarnation. Jesus Came for Me stands out from these and presents facets of the familiar story that might not be so familiar to children.
Jared Kennedy begins his book by describing the setting that Jesus arrived into. The Jewish people had been waiting so very long for the Messiah, their Savior. Before Jesus was born, however, the prophesied forerunner came. Kennedy starts with the announcement to Zechariah that John would be born to him and Elizabeth in their old age and that this little one would grow up to prepare the way for the Savior. After John is born, the story jumps ahead to the night Jesus was born and His lowly surroundings. The shepherds are informed and come to worship the Christ child. The third section of this book moves to the coming of the magi. Kennedy describes their interaction with King Herod and his attempt to trick the wisemen into disclosing Jesus’ location so he can eliminate Him. The wisemen are warned and after they come and bring their gifts to the young Child, they go home a different way.
This book certainly contains much more content of the Christmas story than most others of this genre, but it also has something else that sets it apart. Following each of the three sections, there is a question and a paragraph to bring application to the child. The first one deals with the difficulty of waiting, but assures the child that God will keep His promises even if it takes time. The second one focuses on sharing the good news with others like the shepherds did. And the third one reminds the child that Jesus is the best king and that His love is beyond measure.
This is a very nice book to share with your little ones leading up to Christmas. It draws their attention back to the reason that we celebrate Christmas, and it teaches them foundational truths that are important for them in understanding the gospel message. These truths include the need for a Savior, the deity of Jesus, and our responsibility to love and obey God. Prepare their hearts for Christmas, but also prepare them to respond to the gospel call.
Kristin Stiles is a home-school mom, a Sunday School teacher, and helps lead the “Young, Reading, & Reformed” children’s ministry at Reformed Baptist Church of Franconia, PA.
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