An Author Interview from Books At a Glance
Fred Zaspel talks with Andreas Köstenberger about Köstenberger’s new book, Introducing Jesus: The Fourfold Gospel. Dr. Köstenberger shares multiple insights regarding each of the four Gospels.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Getting to Know Jesus Through the Gospels
Part 1—The Gospel According to Matthew: Jesus, the Jewish Messiah
Chapter 1: Setting the Stage
Chapter 2: Casting the Vision
Chapter 3: Heralding God’s Kingdom
Chapter 4: Crucified and Risen
Part 2—The Gospel According to Mark: Jesus, the Mighty Son of God
Chapter 5: The Messiah and Son of God
Chapter 6: Righteous Sufferer
Part 3—The Gospel According to Luke: Jesus, the Savior of the World
Chapter 7: Preparation
Chapter 8: Getting Down to Work
Chapter 9: The Long Journey
Chapter 10: Final Days and Ascension
Part 4—The Gospel According to John: Jesus, the God-Man
Chapter 11: Signs of the Messiah: Water into Wine, Cleansing the Temple
Chapter 12: Signs of the Messiah: Healing the Sick, Feeding the People
Chapter 13: The Greatest Sign and Jesus’s Farewell
Chapter 14: Suffering and Exaltation
Appendix A: Charts of the Gospels
Gospels-Related Works by Köstenberger
- Introducing Jesus
- The Jesus of the Gospels: An Introduction
- The First Days of Jesus
- The Final Days of Jesus: The Most Important Week of the Most Important Person Who Ever Lived
- Signs of the Messiah: An Introduction to John’s Gospel
- Encountering John: The Gospel in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective)
- The Cross, The Cradle, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament